SECTION 4. Physician Authorization
A Physician must fill out this Section including the Provider Information/Signature Box listed below.
I __________________________________ hereby confirm that ___________________________________
requires the service/services listed below which makes him/her a candidate to transfer
from a Medicaid Health Plan to a Managed Long Term Care Plan.
4a. Please add check mark 3 to all that apply.
q Environmental Modification: Internal and external physical adaptations to the home, which are
necessary to assure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual, enable the individual to
function with greater independence in the home, and prevent institutionalization.
q Home Delivered Meals
q Social Day Care
4b. Provider Information/Signature
Physician Name
Patient Name
Physician Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Specialty: _______________________________________________________________________________
License #: ______________________________________________________________________________
Name of Clinic/Facility: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ___________________
Phone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________
Signature (sign digitally): __________________________________________________________________
Provide the name of the MLTC Plan representative who is submitting this form
on behalf of the applicant.
Plan Representative:
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
SECTION 5. Managed Long Term Care Plan (MLTC Plan)
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