International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2020–2021, societyforscience.org/ISEF2021 Page 41
Vertebrate Animal Form (5A)
Required for all research involving vertebrate animals that is conducted in a school/home/ield research site.
(SRC approval required before experimentation.)
Student’s Name(s)
Title of Project
To be completed by Student Researcher:
1. Common name (or Genus, species) and number of animals used.
2. Describe completely the housing and husbandry to be provided. Include the cage/pen size, number of animals
per cage, environment, bedding, type of food, frequency of food and water, how often animal is observed, etc.
Add an additional page as necessary.
3. What will happen to the animals after experimentation?
4. Attach a copy of wildlife licenses or approval forms, as applicable
5. The ISEF Vertebrate Animal Rules require that any death, illness or unexpected weight loss be investigated and
documented by a letter from the qualiied scientist, designated supervisor or a veterinarian. If applicable, attach
this letter with this form when submitting your paperwork to the SRC prior to competition.
To be completed by Local or Ailiate Fair Scientiic Review Committee (SRC) BEFORE experimentation.
Level of Supervision Required for agricultural, behavioral or nutritional studies (select one):
Designated Supervisor REQUIRED. Please have applicable person sign below.
Veterinarian and Designated Supervisor REQUIRED. Please have applicable persons sign below.
Veterinarian, Designated Supervisor and Qualiied Scientist REQUIRED. Please have applicable persons sign below and have the
Qualiied Scientist complete Form (2).
The SRC has carefully reviewed this study and inds it is an appropriate study that may be conducted in a non-regulated research site.
Local or Ailiate Fair SRC Pre-Approval Signature:
SRC Chair Printed Name Signature Date of Approval (must be prior to
experimentation) (mm/dd/yy)
Printed Name Email/Phone
Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy)
Printed Name Email/Phone
Signature Date of Approval (mm/dd/yy)
To be completed by Veterinarian:
I have reviewed this research and animal husbandry with
the student before the start of experimentation.
I have approved the use and dosages of prescription
drugs and/or nutritional supplements.
I will provide veterinary medical and nursing care in case
of illness or emergency. (Fees may apply.)
To be completed by Designated Supervisor or
Qualiied Scientist when applicable:
I have reviewed this research and animal husbandry with
the student before the start of experimentation and I
accept primary responsibility for the care and handling
of the animals in this project.
I will directly supervise the experiment.
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