Boards/Board Applications:MHLAC County Application
Mental Health Local Advisory Council
Please complete this form and return it to the County Commission Office, Room 111 Courthouse Annex,
325 2
Avenue North, Great Falls, MT 59401. If you have any questions, please contact the Commission
Office @ (406) 454-6810. This application is designed to obtain information as to your interest and
qualifications for serving on a County Government Board.
(Please Print or Type) Date________________________________
TELEPHONE (Home)__________(Work)_________(Cell)_________ (E-Mail)_____________________
Current County Boards or Volunteering ___________________________________________________
Previous Public Experience, Boards or Volunteering _________________________________________
Please indicate which category you are qualified for.
______ Mental Health Services: Consumer
______ Mental Health Services: Family Member of Consumer
______ Provider: Mental Health Services ____ Adult ____Child
______ Representative: City Attorney, County Attorney or Public Defender
______ Representative: Center for Mental Health
______ Representative: Benefis Health System or Great Falls Clinic Hospital
______ Representative: Community Health Care Center dba/Alluvion Health
______ Representative: City Law Enforcement
______ Representative: Sheriff’s Office
List special experience or education you may have for serving on this council.
(Include additional information on the back of this form or attached a resume.)