Updated September 30, 2020 Page 2
i. Proposed lot layout with approximate dimensions and sizes;
j. Lots and blocks identified by number or letter;
k. The use of each lot, if other than for single-family residential;
l. The exterior boundaries of the parcel proposed for subdivision with bearings, distances, and curve data
indicated outside of the boundary lines. When the plat is bounded by an irregular shoreline or body of
water, the bearings and distances of a closing meander traverse shall be given;
m. All existing streets, roads, highways, avenues, alleys, and/or access easements within or adjacent to the
subject property;
n. All proposed streets, roads, alleys, avenues, and easements; the width of the easement or right-of-way,
grades, curvature of each;
o. Existing and proposed road and street names;
p. Proposed location of intersections for any subdivision requiring access to state or local streets, roads,
avenues, alleys, or highways;
q. The names of adjoining platted subdivisions and recording information from adjoining subdivisions,
certificates of survey, or unplatted lands;
r. The approximate location of all section corners or legal subdivision corners of sections pertinent to the
subdivision boundary;
s. Approximate area, location, boundaries, and dimensions of all parks, common grounds, and other
grounds dedicated for public use;
t. The total gross area of the subdivision and the total net area, exclusive of public areas and rights-of-way;
u. Existing and proposed infrastructure and proposed utilities including:
i. The approximate location, size, and depth of existing and proposed sanitary and storm
ii. The approximate location, size, and depth of existing and proposed water mains, lines, wells,
and facilities; and
iii. The approximate locations of all existing buildings, structures, and other improvements;
4. A Vicinity Sketch showing:
a. The subject property including property boundaries and the approximate locations of all existing
buildings, structures, and other improvements;
b. Ownership of lands within 300 feet of the subject property, and existing buildings, structures and other
improvements on those lands;
c. Location and names of adjacent roadways; and
d. Existing zoning of the tract and adjacent lands.
a. For any land area which will be subdivided or disturbed, contour intervals of 2’ where the average slope is
less than 10%; intervals of five feet where the average slope is greater than 10% and less than 15%; and
intervals of ten feet where the average slope is 15% or greater.
b. Slopes greater than 25% shall be shown as no-build zones.
6. A Grading and Drainage Plan that includes:
a. Proposed grades of all streets and roads;
c. Proposed drainage facilities for all lots, blocks, and other areas displaying accurate dimensions, courses,
and elevations;
d. Existing and proposed contours, at a minimum of one (1) foot contour intervals or supply cross section at
a minimum twenty five (25) foot station;
f. Calculations for drainage features adequate to accommodate a ten year frequency one-hour storm and
adverse impacts for a 100-year frequency one-hour storm and proposed improvements to mitigate adverse
impacts for a 100-year frequency one-hour storm;
g. Construction procedures, slope protection, or information describing the ultimate destinations of storm
runoff used to minimize erosion; and
h. A Geotechnical Slope Stability Report shall be completed if the proposed subdivision includes areas with
the potential for landsliding or slope instability. The report must be completed by a qualified soil or
geotechnical engineer and indicate the locations, character, and extent of all areas of all slope stability, and
these areas shall be shown on the plat.
7. Engineering Plans for all public and private improvements;
8. Phasing Plan and schedule, including:
a. A plat delineating each phase;
b. Timing and schedule for filing of each phase;
c. An improvements plan showing which improvements will be completed with each phase, and how those
improvements will be staged to allow for efficient connection with future phases.