Updated 10/14/2020 Page 1
Cascade County
Unclassified Use Permit (UUP) Application
Cascade County Planning Department
121 4
St. No, STE 2H/I, Great Falls MT 59401
Phone: (406)454-6905 | Fax: 406-454-6919
$450.00 Non Refundable Application Fee Payment: Check (#)_________Cash_____
Date Application Received: ______________
Floodplain Permit (Attached):
Application No.: ______________________
Variance Approval (Attached):
Approved Permit No.: __________________
County Approach Permit (Attached):
Health Dept. Approval (Attached):
Addressing Approval (Attached):
Red Yellow Green (Development Coordination Map)
Date of Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Hearing:
Date of Final Approval:__________________
Approved by (Staff):__________________________
Applicant/Agent: ____ Mailing Address: ______
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: ______
Owner(s) if different from applicant: _____ Mailing Address: ______
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: ______
Property Address: ___________________________________________________________ Sec_____ T______ R_______
Lot(s) _________ Blk_________ Geo Code: ________________________________ Parcel #________________________
Structure Permit Issued For: _____________Current Zoning: ______
Change of Land Use Permit Issued For: _______________________________
Type of Improvement:
Airport or Aircraft Landing Facility
Community Residential Facility
Civic Use Facility
Indoor Sports/Recreation
Small Livestock/Fowl Butchering
Outdoor Sports/Recreation
Square Feet of Proposed Structure/Addition: Total Land Area Acres:
Type of Water Supply: Type of Sewage Disposal:
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The Permit Application Form shall be submitted to the Cascade County Planning Office for review. The applicant shall obtain
all required permits/forms as part of the permitting process:
If your property is in a regulated floodplain, a Floodplain Permit must be obtained first from the Planning Office.
If an approach to the property is from a county road, an Approach Permit is needed from the Cascade County Public
Works Road and Bridge Division. If an approach will be off a state highway, an Approach Permit is needed from the
State of Montana Department of Transportation.
If your property needs an assigned address, contact from the Cascade County Public Works GIS Division for an
address application
If your property needs a wastewater management permit, you must obtain a septic system permit from the City-
County Health Department (http://www.cchdmt.org/environmental-health/).
All projects that disturb an acre or more are required to have a “General Permit for Storm Water Discharges
Associated with Construction Activity” from the MT Department of Environmental Quality
rovide a complete site plan at a suitable scale (1" = 40', 1" = 100', etc) which includes the following, as applicable:
Required Obtained Submission Checklist
The location of existing structures, boundaries, drain fields, and utilities; including size,
dimensions, and current uses
Location of proposed structures, alterations, curb cuts, access points, and utilities and the
size, dimensions, and uses thereof
Existing land use(s) on adjacent property
Disturbing one (1) acre or more; if yes, attach DEQ “General Permit for Storm Water
Discharges Associated with Construction Activity”.
Location, size, dimensions, and number of off-street parking spaces, including on-site
vehicular driveways and type of surface improvements (if applicable)
Location and type of existing and proposed landscaping or buffering (if applicable)
Location, type, and height of existing and proposed fencing and/or screening (if applicable)
Location, type, and height of sight-obscuring improvement surrounding areas of storage for
raw materials, finished products, machinery, and equipment (if applicable)
Completed Operational Statement Checklist (if applicable)
Industrial Affidavit (if applicable)
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I. General Information for Applicants
A. Understanding the Regulations: First, the proposed use must be specifically mentioned as a category in Uses
Permitted Upon Issuance of an Unclassified Use Permit within Section 18 of the Cascade County Zoning Regulations.
Portions of the County Zoning Map and the Zoning Regulations are available through the Cascade County Website at
II. Steps of the Application Process
A. Hold a Pre-Application meeting with Cascade County Planning Staff to ensure the project will meet the standards for
classified Use Permits as outlined within Section 18 of Cascade County’s Zoning Regulations.
B. Complete, sign, and return an Unclassified Use Permit application with the $450.00 application fee to Planning Staff.
Site plans, diagrams, business plans, photographs, and other documents may be requested as part of a compl
pplication, depending on the applicant’s proposal.
C. Planning Staff will notify interested agencies of the proposed project to request comments for the proposed
D. Planning Staff will schedule a public hearing before the Cascade County Zoning Board of Adjustment;
A legal notice will be published twice in the Great Falls Tribune (at least six (6) days separating each publication) and
sent by certified mail to all adjacent landowners.
Planning Staff will present the application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment along with recommendations, based
on findings of facts.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment will make a determination on the application; three (3) affirmative votes ar
eeded to issue the permit.
E. Upon written notice from the Planning Staff, the applicant may begin the permitted unclassified use.
F. Permits may be revoked or expire for the following reasons:
1. The Zoning Board of Adjustment finds them in violation of the conditions of the permit or another
2. Approval is valid for one particular use and shall expire one year after the date of approval if construction or the use
as not started. The Zoning Administrator may grant a onetime only 6-month extension on the Zoning Board of
Adjustment’s Approval.
3. The Unclassified Use Permit shall expire if the use ceases for six (6) months for any reason. Any future extension
equests must be granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment prior to the date of expiration.
III. UUP Criteria
A. Explain how the proposed use meets all of the required criteria below. ALL CRITERIA MUST BE ADDRESSED. If
criteria are not applicable, please explain why. Attach drawings, additional text, site plans, and any other documents
that will assist staff and the board in reviewing the proposed unclassified use permit application. The mor
formation you can provide, the easier it is for staff and the Zoning Board of Adjustment to review the application.
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1. The proposed development will not materially endanger the public health or safety.
a) Traffic conditions in the vicinity, including the effect of additional traffic on streets and street intersections, and sightlines
at street intersections and approaches:
b) Provision of services and utilities, including sewer, water, electrical, telecommunications, garbage collections, and fire
c) Soil erosion, sedimentation, and stormwater run-off:
d) Protection of public, community, or private water supplies, including possible adverse effects on surface waters or
2. The proposed development is a public necessity or will not substantially impact the value of adjoining property.
a) The relationship of the proposed use and the character of development to surrounding uses and development, including
possible conflicts between them and how these conflicts will be resolved.
b) Whether the proposed development is so necessary to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community of
County as a whole as to justify it regardless of its impact on the value of adjoining property.
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3. The proposed development will be in harmony with the area in which it is located.
a) The relationship of the proposed use and the character of development to surrounding uses and development, including
possible conflicts between them and how these conflicts will be resolved.
4. The proposed development will be consistent with the Cascade County Growth Policy.
a) Consistency with the Growth Policy objectives for the various planning areas (Please address all five goals with a separate
sheet of paper).
Goal 1: Sustain and strengthen the economic well-being of Cascade County’s
B. Stimulate the retention of existing businesses and expansion of existing businesses, new businesses, value-added
inesses, wholesale and retail businesses, and industries including agriculture, mining, manufacturing/processing,
and forest products.
C. Stabilize and diversify the county’s tax base by encouraging the sustainable use of its natural resources.
D. Identify and pursue primary business development that complements existing business, which is compatible with
ommunities, and utilizes available assets. Identify and pursue targeted business development opportunities to
include, but not limited to, manufacturing/heavy industry, telecommunication, and youth/social services.
E. Promote the development of cultural resources and tourism to broaden Cascade County’s economic base.
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F. Foster and stimulate well-planned entrepreneurship among the county’s citizenry.
G. Promote a strong local business environment. Encourage and strengthen business support mechanisms such as the
chamber of commerce, development organizations, and business roundtable organizations.
H. Improve local trade capture for Cascade County businesses. Promote local shopping as well as well-planned
inesses and new businesses.
I. Network with and support other economic development efforts in the region and statewide, in recognition of Cascade
County’s interdependence with other communities and to leverage available local resources.
J. Encourage the growth of the agricultural economy.
K. Stimulate the growth of the economy by encouraging the use of alternative methods of energy production, including
wind energy.
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Goal 2: Protect and maintain Cascade County’s rural character and the
community’s historic relationship with natural resource development.
A. Foster the continuance of agriculture and forestry in recognition of their economic contribution and the intrinsic
natural beauty of grazing areas, farmlands, and forests.
B. Preserve Cascade County’s scenic beauty and conserve its forests, rangeland, and streams, with their abundant
wildlife and good fisheries.
C. Preserve Cascade County’s open space setting by encouraging new development to locate near existing towns and
ural settlements and by discouraging poorly designed, land subdivisions and commercial development.
D. Assure clean air, clean water, a healthful environment, and good community appearance.
E. Support the development of natural resources including but not limited to timber, mining, oil and gas production,
and renewable energy production.
F. Continue to work with federal and state agencies to redevelop properties within Cascade County which are currently
undergoing Superfund and Brownfield processes.
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Goal 3: Maintain an agricultural economy.
A. Protect the most productive soil types.
B. Continue to protect soils against erosion.
C. Protect the floodplain from non-agricultural development.
D. Support the development of value-added agricultural industry in Cascade County utilizing the products from the
regional area.
Goal 4: Retain the presence of the US Military in Cascade County
A. Encourage the federal congressional delegation to actively support maintaining the current mission status at a
B. Promote the location of additional military missions in Cascade County.
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C. Encourage the reactivation of the runway at Malmstrom Air Force Base for fixed-wing operations.
D. Refer to the Joint Land Use Study for resolving conflicts and promoting mission compatible development.
Goal 5: Preserve and enhance the rural, friendly, and independent lifestyle
currently enjoyed by Cascade County’s citizens.
A. Maintain Cascade County’s citizens independent lifestyle and minimize local governmental intervention, to the
extent possible, consistent with the requirements of a continually evolving economy and constantly changing
B. Preserve and promote Cascade County’s rich cultural heritage, rotted in natural resource development, and reflected
n its numerous cultural/historic sites and archaeological areas.
. Promote fire prevention measures throughout the county, giving special emphasis to the extreme fire hazards
present at the wildland/urban interface.
D. Encourage the continued development of educational programs and facilities, recreational opportunities, and spaces
and health services for all county residents.
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b) Consistency with the municipal and joint land use plans incorporated by the Growth Policy.
ATTEST: I hereby certify that the information given herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. There are
no restrictions placed upon my property which would prohibit the issuance of this permit. If there are any restrictions, then
this permit shall become null and void. I hereby grant permission to any Cascade County Zoning Official to enter my
property to inspect for compliance with the County Zoning Regulations in relation to this application.
Printed Name of Applicant: Date:
Signature of Applicant: Date:
Printed Name of Property Owner: Date:
Signature of Property Owner: Date: