Student Activity/Event Approval
Sponsoring Club/Organization: ____________________________________________________
President’s Name: ____________________ President’s Signature: _______________________
Sponsor’s Name: _____________________ Sponsor’s Signature: _______________________
Type of Activity: ________________________________________________________________
Date, Time, & Location of event: ___________________________________________________
A. Funding Request *Attach additional documentation as needed
Items: Costs:
B. Fundraising *Attach additional documentation as needed
Purpose of Fundraising:
Procedure for Fundraising:
Describe Activity:
C. Describe Activity *Attach additional documentation as needed
*Clubs and organizations are responsible for submitting all work orders and/or set-up for activity.
Work orders are required for: chairs, tables, podium, easel, portable whiteboard, P.A. system,
projector, screen, security/police, and janitorial services.
Date submitted to Student Government Association: _______________________________
Student Government President: _______________________________________________
Director, Student Activities: ___________________________________________________
Provost/Associate Provost: ____________________________________________________
SGA Funded $________ Fundraising $________ Maintenance $________
Travel Funding $________ Non-Funded Other
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