2019-20 SGA
Officer Application
Important Dates:
Application & Interview Deadline – August 22, 2019 by 5:00 p.m.
Submit completed Application Packets to:
Office of the Associate Provost
Titusville, Building 5 Room 102
(321) 433-7141
Instructions & Checklist
The Application AND interview must be completed by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22
. Applications must
be submitted to the Associate Provost Office in Building 5 Room 102 to check your GPA and credit hour
eligibility, and to schedule the interview. If a packet is missing any piece of information, the applicant will be
denied candidate status. Under no circumstances will packets or interviews be accepted past the deadline.
A complete Application Packet contains the following:
Applicant Information Form
Signed & Dated Application Agreement
All candidates will be notified with a decision by Monday, August 26th.
Please detach and submit the forms on pages 2-3 with your packet materials,
and keep the SGA Officer Information starting on page 4 for your records.
Applicant Information Form
Please complete electronically, or print legibly in blue or black ink.
Name (last, first) ____________________________________________________________________________
Student B# ______________________________ Phone: (___________) _____________________________
Titan Email: __________________________________________________________@titans.easternflorida.edu
SGA Position desired: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian
Current EFSC Degree Program: Certificate Associate of Science Associate of Arts Bachelors
Current EFSC Major: ______________________________________ Current GPA: __________________
Intended Graduation Date (semester & year): ____________________________________________________
How many semesters have you been enrolled at EFSC (including this semester)? ________________________
Please describe your current level of campus involvement: __________________________________________
Have you ever campaigned for or held an elected office before? Yes No If yes, please describe below:
How would you describe your skills with computers and other technology? _____________________________
How would you describe your public speaking skills and experience? __________________________________
What do you believe are your strengths would be as a student leader? ________________________________
In what areas are you seeking to improve? _______________________________________________________
Student Government Association Application Agreement
Please review this document carefully and check each box to acknowledge your agreement to each statement.
Afterwards, complete the bottom section; be sure to sign and date the agreement.
Please complete electronically, or print legibly in blue or black ink. Signature must be in ink.
I certify that I am a candidate for the office of ___________________________________ in the
Student Government Association; that I have reviewed the eligibility requirements set forth in the
Application Packet and am eligible to serve; that I intend to continue to be a student at Eastern Florida
State College during the proposed term of office, and that if elected will serve to the best of my ability.
I understand that I may not run for more than one office. I understand that I may be a write-in
candidate for any office without a qualified candidate as determined by the Student Life Coordinator
and Associate Provost.
If selected, I hereby agree to serve the student body to the utmost of my abilities in accordance with
the responsibilities of my position as well as other duties assigned to me by the Student Life
I agree to uphold and abide by the EFSC SGA Constitution, Student Activities Handbook and the
Student Code of Conduct.
I agree and commit to being available for a minimum of 15 hours of leadership training as
determined/scheduled by Student Life Coordinator as well as 10-15 hours a week (to include meetings,
office hours, events, travel, etc.) for both the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters.
I understand that all parts of the Application Packet are to be completed truthfully and accurately and
submitted to the Associate Provost by 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2019 in order to be considered for
candidacy. I understand that late packets will not be accepted.
I understand that my biographical information and picture may be used on the EFSC website and other
promotional materials and social media outlets pertaining to the Student Government Association.
I understand that my completed application does not entitle me to the position and that I must
complete a face-to-face interview with the Student Life Coordinator and/or the Associate Provost prior
to gaining full approval to run for office.
Applicant Printed Name: __________________________________________________________________
Applicant Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Date Signed: ________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
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SGA Officer Information
Benefits of Serving in the SGA
Develop critical job skills in team work, communication, marketing, event planning and project
Enhance and develop your leadership skills.
Learn about and participate in the democratic process that determines how EFSC student activity fee
dollars are spent each year.
Help create positive change at EFSC.
SGA E-Board Scholarship
All elected SGA E-Board Officers will receive a $500.00 scholarship for both the Fall and Spring
semesters of their elected term of office.
In the event an elected officer becomes unable to fulfill the requirements/duties of his or her position
or is removed from the position, the scholarship will be revoked at the time of resignation/removal
from office.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to run for an SGA Executive Board Officer position, students:
Must be currently enrolled at EFSC and taking six (6) or more credit hours during the Fall 2019
semester on the campus for which they are running for a position;
Must maintain enrollment at six (6) or more credit hours during both the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020
semester on the campus for which they are running for a position;
Cannot be a dual enrolled high school student (includes Early Admission program students);
Must have achieved, at the time of selection, an overall (cumulative) grade point average of 2.5 or
better. If candidate has no prior college coursework, the most recent, unweighted high school GPA will
be used;
Must maintain thereafter an overall (cumulative) grade point average of 2.5 or better;
Cannot be President of another campus club or organization if elected as an SGA officer;
Must submit a completed Application Packet by published deadline;
Must be able to commit 10-15 hours each week to the elected position during the Fall 2019 and Spring
2020 semesters (includes meetings, office hours, events, travel, etc.);
Must not have any Student Code of Conduct violations.
Any exception to these eligibility requirements must be granted, in writing, by the Associate Provost/Provost.
Term of Office & Running for Re-Election
SGA Executive Board Officers are required to serve a one (1) year term running from Spring
Commencement until the Spring Commencement of the following year. (Exceptions to the
requirement can only be granted by the Student Life Coordinator and Associate Provost/Provost and
must be given prior to the published deadline for Application Packets).
Current SGA Executive Board Officers may run for re-election under the following conditions:
o They must have served for a full year in their current SGA Officer position.
o They have the sincere expectation of being a student at Eastern Florida State College for the
entire following academic year and meet all eligibility criteria.
o They submit a completed Application Packet by the published deadline.
o They may serve in the same officer position for a maximum of two (2) academic years except for
the office of the President which has a one-term limit. The current SGA President may run for a
different officer position.
o Exceptions to any of these conditions may only be granted by the Student Life Coordinator and
Associate Provost/Provost, in writing, and must be given prior to the published deadline for
Application Packets.
Student Government Association Available Position
SGA Parliamentarian:
The SGA Parliamentarian is responsible for being knowledgeable about the College’s requested format for
organization constitutions and structures. The Parliamentarian’s duties include, but are not limited to the
Attending all SGA E-Board and Business meetings as scheduled and voting in a way that represents the
best interests of the student body.
Maintaining and upholding the SGA Constitution.
Reviewing all constitutions and bylaws for campus clubs and notifying the Student Life Coordinator of
potential issues and/or errors.
Keeping current constitutions and bylaws for SGA and campus club within the SGA Office (hard copy
and electronic).
Ensuring all SGA E-Board and Business meetings follow parliamentary procedures according to the
most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Serving as time keeper at all SGA E-Board and Business meetings to ensure all meetings and discussions
are conducted in a timely manner.
Providing support to fellow SGA officers; serving on committees and completing delegated tasks in a
timely manner.
Actively contributing ideas, thoughts, feedback, etc. on all student activities, student concerns, and
funding requests.
Upholding and abiding by the SGA Constitution and the Student Code of Conduct.
Serving as proxy in the absence of the SGA Treasurer.