Availability Statement: The Baldwin County Commission (Commission) acknowledges the public records access as
provided by Code of Alabama (36-12-40); and further defined under Code of Alabama (41-13-1); however, in order to
provide said public records and continue to maintain proper office operation, the Commission stipulates that
requests for all public records shall be made in writing and upon receipt of the written request, the Commission
further stipulates that the requested documents will be made available to the requester within ten (10) working
days of the request, provided that requested records are not covered by known Right to Privacy Limitations or
other sensitive document restrictions.
I, ________________________________________________________, request acces
s to
the below described public records. I further acknowledge that I have the right to request
assistance in the locating of said records, and to have copies made of the same; and that
any time spent by county personnel for records location research shall be charged at the hourly
pay rate of the employee conducting the research. I understand that a deposit will be required if
more than one (1) hour of staff time will be needed to respond my request. The established cost
for copies of records has been set at .25 cents per page for standard copies up to 11 x 17 in
size. Charges for maps, plats and other large documents are set by the applicable department.
Certification of documents has been set at $1.00 per certification. I fully acknowledge and
guarantee payment for these services to the Baldwin County Commission.
Print name: _________________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________
Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: __________________________________________________________
Contact number: _______________________ Email: _________________________________
Records requested: ____________________________________________________________
Date Request Received (Staff Date/Initial):
Employee(s)/Department(s) Responding to
Additional Information/Notes: