Assessment of Professional Competence
RICS/SCSI Education and Training
Key elements of the APC
The key elements of the APC are:
• Meeting the requirements for enrolment
• Appointment of supervisor and counselor
• Selection and planning of competencies
• Training, experience and Pre-Qualification
Structured Learning
• Recording your experience and training daily in your APC
diary, and summarising this monthly in your logbook
• Regular supervision meetings
• Confirmation of progress by your supervisor and
counsellor, and revision of the training plan as necessary
• Preparation of your final assessment submissions –
signed off competencies, logbook, records of your
Pre-Qualification Structured Learning, and critical analysis
• Application for final assessment
• Final assessment interview
• Results
Your record-keeping in more detail
As soon as you enrol, you must download the APC templates.
These are the records you will complete as you progress
through your APC, and submit to SCSI when you are ready for
final assessment. They are downloadable at
You will also be keeping your own records in the form of a
training diary. You will use the information in your diary to
complete the log book and record of progress (achievement
record). You should not record a period of less than half a day.
You do not need to record the mandatory competencies in your
diary. These are an intrinsic part of your day-to-day work and
are not normally part of the minimum days of experience.
However, you must record your attainment of the mandatory
competencies in your logbook and record of progress. A diary
template is on
Diary: you must maintain a day-to-day diary of your training
and experience. You will use it to complete the log book and
achievement records. You should not record a period of less
than half a day. You do not need to record the mandatory
competencies in your diary. These are an intrinsic part of your
day-to-day work and are not normally part of the minimum
days of experience. However, you must record your attainment
of the mandatory competencies in your achievement record.
Log book: you must complete the log book each month. It
summarises your diary showing the training, in numbers of
days, grouped under the core and optional competency
headings. You must not record any experience against more
than one competency. For each day you record you must
decide which competency that day’s experience covers. You
cannot multi-code individual entries to more than one
competency. You must not record less than half a day.
Progress reports: internal reports written at regular intervals
as follows:
• the supervisor’s reports completed every three months
• the supervisor’s and counsellor’s reports completed every six
The reports should comment on your training to date,
experience gained and on the abilities you have demonstrated.
You should add your own comments to the reports. These
reports are not submitted to SCSI but may be requested. Many
supervisors and counsellors will want to use their firm’s own
report forms.
Achievement records/Record of Progress: your supervisor
and counsellor must date and sign the mandatory and
technical achievement records to confirm that you have met
the competencies to the required levels.
Interim and final assessment records: written reports which
summarise how your experience and training meet the
competency and professional development requirements. The
assessment records show your supervisor’s opinion on your
progress. They must be signed and dated by your supervisor
and be countersigned by your counsellor. It is your supervisor
and counsellor, at the time of your application for the final
assessment interview, who must be satisfied that you have
achieved the specific competencies. If you change employer
you must continue the achievement record, diary and log book
in the usual way, clearly showing the change of employment.
PQSL/Professional development: the systematic maintenance,
improvement and broadening of professional knowledge,
understanding and skill throughout your career. As part of the
structured training you must undertake a minimum of 48 hours’
professional development for each year of structured training.
Critical analysis: a written report of your involvement in a
project or projects during your training. It must provide a critical
appraisal of the project together with an outline of the lessons
you learned. It will provide important evidence of the
competencies you have achieved. The critical analysis must
give detailed evidence of your ability to work competently and
to apply the knowledge relevant to your APC pathway.
Section Five
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