As-Built Cercaon
Inial Submial Checklist
Project Name: ________________________________________ Folio #: _________________
Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________
Items listed below on this check list are required for a complete submial. Submials will not be accepted if
all required items are not included with the inial submial package. For those items that are to be submied
only if applicable, the Engineer of Record must ensure that if they are not required, an “NA” is placed on the
line for his/her inials. Any item that is not inialed or shown as NA will be considered missing. To schedule a
submial appointment visit
Requirements for Review:
Required Submial Items
Fee Payment
1 Full Set of As-Built Plans
If Roads and Drainage are included:
2 blacklines for roads and drainage
Specic cost breakdown
Test reports
Contractor’s Adavit
Engineer of Record’s Cercaon of Construcon Compleon
Leer requesng acceptance
2 Final Plats
Surveyor Cercaon & Benchmark Cercaon
2 Lot Grading Plans
Sidewalk Plans
Check for EPC Review
If Ulies are included:
Department of Environmental Protecon Cercaon of Compleon
2 Full set of As-Built Plans
1 water/wastewater blacklines
Contractor’s Adavit
Engineer of Record’s Cercaon of Construcon Compleon
Test Reports
Specic Cost Breakdowns
Leer requesng acceptance
Owner/Developer Agreement
Auto Cad/PDF les of ulity as-built
PDF les of all documents and plans submied
Inventory Asset Spreadsheet in PDF Format
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