Development Services and environmental
Protecon Commission Wetland Setback Encroachment
Vegetave Compensaon Guidelines
The Land Development Code (LDC) denes wetlands and natural water bodies as environmentally sensive areas. Land
alteraons which propose impacts to or would otherwise adversely aect such areas are prohibited unless specically
approved by the Environmental Protecon Commission (EPC) in accordance with EPC Rule Chapter 1-11. Addionally,
these areas are to be depicted on all development plans as either a Wetland Conservaon Area or a Wetland
Preservaon Area.
In order to minimize the primary and secondary impacts of development to these environmentally sensive areas,
setbacks of 30 feet for Conservaon Areas and 50 feet for Preservaon Areas are required as prescribed within LDC
Secon 4.01.07. Depending on the environmental sensivity of the protected area or the intensity of a proposed
development, a wider setback as determined by the EPC may be required. No lling, excavang or placement of
permanent structures or other impervious surfaces are allowed within the setback except for those acvies idened
in LDC Secon 4.01.07.B that are approved either administravely or through a variance. As idened in LDC Secon
4.01.07.B.3, nave vegetaon within a wetland setback is recognized to provide natural ltraon of surface water runo
or prevent soil erosion and downstream sedimentaon to a wetland area. Therefore, to address these environmental
benets, LDC Secon 4.01.07.B.3 prescribes the removal of nave vegetaon within a required setback is discouraged
and may be restricted or prohibited by the EPC to protect the integrity of the wetland or water body.
In consideraon of the background discussion, the intent of these guidelines is to provide a clear, concise and uniform
format to determine when and how vegetave compensaon requirements for wetland setback encroachments will
be administered by Hillsborough County. These guidelines are not intended to supplant current LDC regulaons or add
further regulaons to what is currently provided by the LDC, but to provide a procedure creang consistency among sta
when making decisions to administer vegetave compensaon planngs for permied wetland setback encroachments.
These guidelines are also intended to assist the applicant with the planning and design components of a development
applicaon by providing a wrien instrument describing expected administrave procedures.
Wetland setback encroachment compensaon planngs shall not be required for wetland setback encroachments
resulng from:
• A road or drive essenal for access into the property.
• Wetland migaon areas as required by the pernent regulatory agency.
Setbacks, even those without signicant nave vegetaon, provide a protecve buer between wetlands and nearby
development acvies. Therefore, every eort should be made during site design to preserve wetland setbacks in their
enrety. If site constraints and required development acvies result in the need to encroach into wetland setbacks
every eort should be made to minimize the encroachment and to locate the encroachment within the least desirable
poron of the setback. Some encroachments will require compensaon planngs to oset the loss of the environmental
benets provided to the wetland by the setback. In these situaons, a detailed vegetave proposal compensang for the
area of encroachment must be depicted on the site plan.
The requirement for wetland setback encroachment compensaon will be evaluated under two categories. These
categories are classied as pervious encroachments and impervious encroachments.
Pervious Encroachments: Approved encroachments including but not limited to ll slopes, ponds or roadway berms of
15-feet or less shall not require compensaon planngs for setbacks dominated (i.e. 50% or greater) by non-nave
vegetaon provided that the area of encroachment is sodded upon compleon of the encroachment acvies. Pervious
encroachments into areas dominated (i.e. 50% or greater) by nave Florida vegetaon will require compensaon
planng unless the area of encroachment is less than the exempon listed below (*).
Impervious Encroachments: Approved encroachment acvies including but not limited to buildings, roads, pavement
and sidewalks into setbacks shall require compensaon planngs with nave Florida shrub species within the remaining
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