Administrave Wetland
Setback Encroachment
Determinaon Applicaon
Applicaon #: _______________________________________ Fees: Environmental Protecon Commission $270
General Locaon:____________________________________________________ Sta Processor: _________________________
Secon 4.01.07 of the Land Development Code idenes specic acvies which may be allowed within setbacks for
Conservaon and Preservaon Areas listed as wetlands or natural water bodies. This applicaon should only be used to
address setback encroachments which may specically be approved administravely and which have not been shown
on other land development applicaons processed through Hillsborough County.
Property Owner Informaon
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Dayme Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________
Email:______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number (____ ) ____________________
Applicant Informaon
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Dayme Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________
Email:______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number (____ ) ____________________
Applicant’s Representave (if dierent than above)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Dayme Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________
Email:______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number (____ ) ____________________
Project Title (if applicable): ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address of Property: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Size of Property (acreage): _______________________ Current Zoning: _____________________________________________
Subdivision Name:_______________________________________________Block:_____________________ LDT: _________________
Secon/Township/Range: __________________/ ________________________ / _________________Folio#: __________________
Direcons to property:____________________________________________________________________________________________
Is the property being rezoned? ___________ If so, to what zoning district? ____________________________________________
Zoning Peon Number: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Current Land Use of Property: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Has this property been reviewed under the: Site Development Ordinance [ ] Subdivision regulaons [ ]
Specic Variance Requests:________________________________________________________________________________________
The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners adopted Lobbying Ordinance No. 93-8, as amended. Prior to
meeng privately with a Board Member, County Aorney, Chief Assistant County Aorney, County Administrator, any
Assistant County Administrator, or any Department Head you may be required to register as a lobbyist.
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Administrave Wetland
Setback Encroachment
Determinaon Applicaon (connued)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that this applicaon, as well as any plans and tree survey submied herewith, are a true
representaon of all facts concerning the requested waiver/adjustment. This applicaon is made with my
approval as Owner or Authorized Agent for the Owners, as evidence by my signature below.
Signature of the Applicant
Type or Print Name Legibly
Signature of the Owners
Type or Print Name Legibly
Legal Descripon (If not enough space for descripon, aach a separate sheet):
Please return the completed application online at HCFLGov.net/DigitalDropOff or mail to the following address:
Hillsborough County
Development Services Department
P. O. Box 1110
Tampa, FL 33601
Development Services Department Use Only
Date Stamp:
Sta Notes:
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___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Agent Consent
(If applicant is other than owner)
(Print name of all property owners)
1. That (I am/we are) the owner(s) and record tle holder(s) of the following described property, to wit:
Address orgeneral locaon:
Folio No(s):
2. That this property constutes the property for which a request for a:
(Nature of request)
is being applied to the Board of County Commissioners, Hillsborough County.
3. That the undersigned (has/have) appointed _____________________________________________________________________
as (his/their) agent(s) to execute any permits or other documents necessary to aect such permit.
That this consent has been executed to allow Hillsborough County, Florida, to consider and act on the above-described
That (I/we), the undersigned authority, hereby cerfy that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signed (Property Owner) Signed (Property Owner)
Type or Print Name Type or Print Name
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Wetland Setback Encroachment Suciency Checklist Requirements
Incomplete applicaons will delay processing
__________ __________ 1. Submit an aachment describing the following:
- The parcular hardship and juscaon for the request including alternaves
- The reason the adjustment or waiver is warranted.
- The facts to support how the peoner is substanally aected.
__________ __________ 2. Any correspondence from other jurisdiconal agencies pernent to the request.
__________ __________ 3. Property Legal Descripon
__________ __________ 4. Two copies of a scaled site plan idenfying the improvements on the property
including the improvements proposed within the wetland setback. The site plan
should be a property boundary survey idenfying these improvements. The surveyed
wetland line and the wetland setback line must be shown on the scaled site plan.
__________ __________ 5. Ocial Environmental Protecon Commission (EPC) acceptance of the Wetland line.
A signed EPC acceptance of the wetland line must be provided unless the property is
a plaed subdivision lot with an ocial date of recording 5 years or less from the date
of this applicaon.
__________ __________ 6.
Requests for Wetland Conservaon/Preservaon Area setback encroachments shall
include the following informaon on the site plan:
__________ __________ a. Tree survey idenfying the locaon of trees 5 inches DBH (tree trunk diameter at
4.5 feet above grade) and larger throughout the area of encroachment as well as
within 30 feet from the perimeter of the proposed encroachment area.
__________ __________ b. Pernent wetland setback line (i.e. 30 feet or 50 feet) clearly drawn and labeled.
__________ __________ c. A cross-secon of the Wetland Conservaon /Preservaon Area setback idenfying
proposed impervious improvements, exisng grade elevaons, proposed
nished grade elevaons, and any special design (i.e. stem walls) to minimize
encroachments into the setback (see enclosed example).
__________ __________ d. Label each area of the wetland setback encroachment, providing the depths and
widths of the encroachment and from these dimensions calculate the actual
encroachment square footage area. Idenfy this square footage and the overall
square footage of the wetland setback area within the property boundaries.
__________ __________ e. Describe the vegetave cover type within the wetland setback.
__________ __________ . f. If applicable, explanaon of the type of pool lter system and how the pools lter
discharge will be directed to the frontage road and not into the wetland area.
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Wetland Setback Encroachment Suciency Checklist Requirements
Incomplete applicaons will delay processing
__________ __________ g. If applicable, submit a Wetland Setback Encroachment Compensaon Planng
Plan meeng the criteria of the Development Services Department and EPCs
Wetland Setback Encroachment Vegetaon Compensaon Guidelines (enclosed) if
the impervious and/or pervious encroachment square footage area is 500 square
feet or more. However, for residenal lots a Compensaon Planng Plan must
be submied if the impervious/pervious encroachment square footage area is
more than 500 square feet or 10% or greater than the total square footage of the
property’s overall wetland setback area whichever is less.
__________ __________
h. Illustrate the locaon of the Wetland Setback Encroachment Upland
Compensaon Planng area and idenfy the area’s square footage. Also, idenfy
the proposed planngs by number and type within this area.
Cross Secon Example
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Development Services and environmental
Protecon Commission Wetland Setback Encroachment
Vegetave Compensaon Guidelines
The Land Development Code (LDC) denes wetlands and natural water bodies as environmentally sensive areas. Land
alteraons which propose impacts to or would otherwise adversely aect such areas are prohibited unless specically
approved by the Environmental Protecon Commission (EPC) in accordance with EPC Rule Chapter 1-11. Addionally,
these areas are to be depicted on all development plans as either a Wetland Conservaon Area or a Wetland
Preservaon Area.
In order to minimize the primary and secondary impacts of development to these environmentally sensive areas,
setbacks of 30 feet for Conservaon Areas and 50 feet for Preservaon Areas are required as prescribed within LDC
Secon 4.01.07. Depending on the environmental sensivity of the protected area or the intensity of a proposed
development, a wider setback as determined by the EPC may be required. No lling, excavang or placement of
permanent structures or other impervious surfaces are allowed within the setback except for those acvies idened
in LDC Secon 4.01.07.B that are approved either administravely or through a variance. As idened in LDC Secon
4.01.07.B.3, nave vegetaon within a wetland setback is recognized to provide natural ltraon of surface water runo
or prevent soil erosion and downstream sedimentaon to a wetland area. Therefore, to address these environmental
benets, LDC Secon 4.01.07.B.3 prescribes the removal of nave vegetaon within a required setback is discouraged
and may be restricted or prohibited by the EPC to protect the integrity of the wetland or water body.
In consideraon of the background discussion, the intent of these guidelines is to provide a clear, concise and uniform
format to determine when and how vegetave compensaon requirements for wetland setback encroachments will
be administered by Hillsborough County. These guidelines are not intended to supplant current LDC regulaons or add
further regulaons to what is currently provided by the LDC, but to provide a procedure creang consistency among sta
when making decisions to administer vegetave compensaon planngs for permied wetland setback encroachments.
These guidelines are also intended to assist the applicant with the planning and design components of a development
applicaon by providing a wrien instrument describing expected administrave procedures.
Wetland setback encroachment compensaon planngs shall not be required for wetland setback encroachments
resulng from:
A road or drive essenal for access into the property.
Wetland migaon areas as required by the pernent regulatory agency.
Setbacks, even those without signicant nave vegetaon, provide a protecve buer between wetlands and nearby
development acvies. Therefore, every eort should be made during site design to preserve wetland setbacks in their
enrety. If site constraints and required development acvies result in the need to encroach into wetland setbacks
every eort should be made to minimize the encroachment and to locate the encroachment within the least desirable
poron of the setback. Some encroachments will require compensaon planngs to oset the loss of the environmental
benets provided to the wetland by the setback. In these situaons, a detailed vegetave proposal compensang for the
area of encroachment must be depicted on the site plan.
The requirement for wetland setback encroachment compensaon will be evaluated under two categories. These
categories are classied as pervious encroachments and impervious encroachments.
Pervious Encroachments: Approved encroachments including but not limited to ll slopes, ponds or roadway berms of
15-feet or less shall not require compensaon planngs for setbacks dominated (i.e. 50% or greater) by non-nave
vegetaon provided that the area of encroachment is sodded upon compleon of the encroachment acvies. Pervious
encroachments into areas dominated (i.e. 50% or greater) by nave Florida vegetaon will require compensaon
planng unless the area of encroachment is less than the exempon listed below (*).
Impervious Encroachments: Approved encroachment acvies including but not limited to buildings, roads, pavement
and sidewalks into setbacks shall require compensaon planngs with nave Florida shrub species within the remaining
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Development Services and environmental
Protecon Commission Wetland Setback Encroachment
Vegetave Compensaon Guidelines
poron of the setback, unless the area of the setback, unless the area of encroachment is less than the exempon listed
below (*).
(*) Exempon: For commercial, subdivision projects and single family residenal lots nave planngs will not be required
if the total area of wetland setback encroachment is less than 500 square feet for commercial or subdivision projects or
500 square feet or 10% of the total area of the setback, whichever is less, for single-family residenal lots.
Wetland Setback Encroachment Compensaon Planng Requirements
The area of required planng will be a minimum 1:1 raon for the area of encroachment which is not exempt. No
more than a 1:1 rao shall be required. Addional compensaon may be proposed.
Compensaon planngs will consist of nave shrubs with no less than two species and each species will comprise no
less than 30% of the total number of required shrub planngs. See Table 1 for suggested species.
All shrub planngs will be evenly spaced on 5 foot centers with a minimum size of 3 gallon or #3 size materials.
Planngs will be located within any suitable, open areas of the remaining setback abung the area of encroachment
or if these areas do not exist, the planngs may be located within or adjacent to another poron of the site’s wetland
setback. If no suitable planng areas exist on site, a wetland and /or wetland setback enhancement plan, nuisance
species control program or other suitable compensaon alternave may be proposed.
The installaon of a suitable irrigaon system is recommended to ensure plant establishment and fulllment of the
required survival criteria.
Nave tree and herbaceous species may be ulized in addion to the required shrub planngs to establish canopy or
groundcover components if desired by the applicant.
Monitoring of planted areas shall consist of the following:
A me-zero report, lisng species and #s planted, upon compleon of the planngs shall be provided to the Natural
Resources Secon of the Development Services department no later than 30 days following planng compleon.
Two annual reports that list survival % per species and any required replants shall be provided to the Natural
Resources Secon of the Development Services department no later than 30 days following data collecon.
Planted shrub species must maintain a minimum 85% survival rate with annual replanng if needed. Exoc and
nuisance species (reference most current Florida Exoc Pest Plan Council list) cover within the planng zones must
be maintained below 10%.
For nuisance species control program areas, all exoc and nuisance species must be removed during the inial
control event(s) and total nuisance species coverage must be maintained below 10% for 2 years thereaer.
Examples of Florida Nave Plants:
Other Florida nave plants may be substuted for those listed below
American beauty berry Callicarpa americana Shiney Coee Psychotria nervosa
Buonwood Conocarpus erectus Shiny Lyonia Lyonia lucida
Coral bean Erythrina herbacea Simpsons stopper Myricanthes fragrans
Firebush Hamelia patens St. Andrew’s Cross Hypericum hypericoides
Flatwoods Plum Prunus umbellata Staggerbush Lyonia Frucosa
Gallberry Ilex glabra Walters viburnum Viburnum obovatum
Hog Plum Ximenia americana Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera
Rusty Lyonia Lyonia ferruginea Winged Sumac Rhus copallinum
Saw palmeo Serenoa repens
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