1 of 5 8/2020
Grand Oak
Ordinance Standards
1. The developer shall preserve all trees idened as a grand oak unless authorized for removal by the Administrator.
This provision shall not apply for a grand oak located in road site distances, recovery and maintenance areas as
shown in the Transportaon Technical Manual unless the County Engineer, otherwise, renders a determinaon
that a grand oak may be preserved in these areas.
2. The developer shall be required to replace 50 percent of the total DBH of any tree having a DBH of 24 inches or
greater or any clump of trees, as dened in this Code, that is to be removed from the site. Irreparably unhealthy
or damaged trees, as determined by the Administrator, shall not require replacement. If the tree removed is a
species which either has undesirable growth habits or is suscepble to freeze damage, as determined by the
Administrator, replacement shall not be required. A grand oak, however, shall be replaced as indicated below if
authorized for removal by the Administrator.
Grand oak trunk measurement Replacement Rao (in DBH)
34” ---- < 48” DBH 1:1
48” ---- < 60” DBH 1.5:1
60” DBH and greater 2:1
This replacement requirement, however, shall not apply when the Administrator has determined that Secon
4.01.14.A.4.b of this Code is applicable. Replacement of a grand oak for these situaons shall not exceed 20% of
the DBH trunk diameter unless a lesser amount is appropriate as determined by the Administrator.
3. Pruning of a grand oak, with the excepon of minor pruning, is prohibited unless conducted in accordance
with the ANSI A 300 Pruning Standards as performed by an Arborist cered by the Internaonal Society of
Arboriculture (ISA) or a Registered Consulng Arborist with the American Society of Consulng Arborists (ASCA).
A notarized adavit arming an ISA Cered Arborist or an ASCA Registered Consulng Arborist will conduct or
onsite supervise the pruning shall be submied to the County prior to the pruning of a grand oak.
An ISA Cered Arborist or an ASCA Registered Consulng Arborist contracted by a property owner to prune a
grand oak shall assume full responsibility for all pruning acvies determined in noncompliance with standards
specied within the Land Development Code.
Grand Oak: A Grand Oak is a tree of the genus Quercus with a trunk measuring 34” DBH and greater, a condion
rang of good or beer in accordance to the Tree Condion Evaluaon Form referenced as Exhibit of
the Development Review Manual, and whose trunk circumference, height and crown measurements are of the
size and character to total a minimum 175 points in accordance to the Tree Point System methodology dened
by this Code.
Tree Point System: The tree point system classies the signicance of a tree species through three measurements
of a tree’s anatomy and asserts a point value for each measurement. One (1) point per inch is alloed for the
tree trunk circumference to the nearest inch measured at 4.5 feet above grade, one (1) point per foot is alloed
for the tree’s overall height to the nearest foot measured vercally from a point level with the base of the
highest twig and one (1) point per four (4) feet is alloed for the crown spread to the nearest foot averaging a
measurement of the longest and shortest diameters of the tree canopy.
Minor Pruning: The pruning of a tree by removing branches measured no greater than 3 inches in diameter at
the point of connecon to a supporng branch and in accordance to the American Naonal Standards Instute
(ANSI) A 300 Pruning Standards.