This form is designed to provide Eastern Florida State College students, employees, faculty, and others with a method to
anonymously report crimes or allegations of Sexual Misconduct. You are not required to complete the entire form to
submit it, but you are required to submit the form in good faith, with information that is true and accurate to the best of
your knowledge. Anonymous reports will be investigated, however, the College’s response may be limited depending on
the information provided.
Be advised that anyone who is or can be identified by the information provided may be contacted by the College as
part of the investigation, and that some or all of the information provided may be shared with the person(s) being
accused of committing crime or Sexual Misconduct. If you do not want to be identified, omit your personally
identifiable information throughout the form. If the person completing this form is a third party who is not the victim,
do not include any personally identifiable information about the victim unless you have the victim’s express permission
to disclose his or her identity.
Provide information about the incident(s) being reported.
Location of incident (if incident occurred on EFSC property, identify which campus, building, parking lot, etc.):
Provide information about the person(s) accused of committing crime and/or Sexual Misconduct.