4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: (859) 971
• Fax
: (859) 971
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Competitions Rev.
All-Breeds Awards Declaration Form
Horse’s USDF Registered Name Horse’s USDF Number *
Owner’s Name Owner’s USDF Number
Address City/State/Zip
Daytime Phone E-mail
*For scores to be eligible for all-breeds awards, horse must have a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration when scores are earned.
Upgrade option available below.
All-Breeds Awards Declaration Form, appropriate breed/performance registry papers, and applicable fees must be received
by USDF by August 1 of the current competition year in order to be eligible for awards during the same competition year.
Late declarations received August 2-31 will be accepted with payment of a $100 late fee.
Late declarations received September 1-30 will be accepted with payment of a $300 late fee.
DECLARATION CHANGE ($50 – please complete payment section below)
A copy of the appropriate breed/performance registry papers must accompany this form.
Previously Declared PO Horse’s Breed Registry Number
New PO (please list only one) Horse’s Breed Registry Number
Signature Date
NEW DECLARATION ($35 – please complete payment section below)
All-Breeds Awards Participating Organization (PO) must appear on the PO list provided on the next page.
A copy of the appropriate breed/performance registry papers must accompany this form.
PO (see list on next page) Horse’s Breed Registry Number
Signature Date
Check or Money Order (US funds only. Make payable to USDF.) Visa MasterCard
Declaration Fee -$35 Declaration Change - $50 Upgrade from HID to Lifetime Horse Registration - $80
Late Declaration - $100 (received August 2-31) Late Declaration - $300 (received September 1-30)
Credit Card # (Please do not submit credit card information via email) Expiration Date
Cardholder’s Name (please print) Cardholder’s Signature
Cardholder’s Address (City/State/Zip)
4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: (859) 971
• Fax
: (859) 971
• Web
Competitions Rev.
Questions? Please e-mail or call 859-971-2277
General Information:
o A horse is eligible for USDF All-Breeds Awards based on the registry papers and declaration form submitted to USDF.
o It is not necessary to submit a copy of your horse’s registry papers and/or declaration form each year. Once a horse is declared for
the USDF All-Breeds Awards Program, the declaration will stay in place for future years.
o It is necessary to complete all year-end award requirements each competition year.
o It is the member’s responsibility to verify that you and your horse meet all of POs all-breeds awards requirements.
o Declarations may be changed by submitting an updated declaration form and breed registry papers with applicable change fee by
August 1 of the award year. Declaration change fee applies to every declaration change request, regardless of the reason.
Please ensure:
o Form is fully completed, signed, dated, with declaration fee and all documentation included.
o Incomplete requests will not be processed. Verify declaration on horse’s summary page on
o Notify USDF no later than August 1 of the award year if the declaration is incorrect.
o For horses with foreign passports, please provide the following pages:
o Front or cover page.
o Pages listing the horses date of birth, breeder and pedigree.
o Page with seal or stamp from issuing registry with signature.
For current year foals without breed registry papers:
o A letter of eligibility from the PO or foal registration certificate may be submitted in lieu of breed registry papers.
o Current year foals may be declared up until September 30 of the award year with no late fee.
o Final breed registry papers must be received by August 1 of horses yearling year to maintain all-breeds declaration.
Breed registry paper, declaration form and fee must be received by USDF by August 1 of the award year in order to be eligible for awards
during the same year. Late declarations will be accepted August 2-31 with payment of a $100 late fee and declarations will be accepted
September 1-30 with payment of a $300 late fee. The late fee is in addition to the declaration fee. No declarations may be made for the
current year after September 30.
2021 All-Breeds Awards Participating Organizations
This list is subject to change, please see USDF website for current list
American Connemara Pony Society
American Dutch Harness Horse Association
American Hackney Horse Society
American Haflinger Registry
American Hanoverian Society
American Morgan Horse Association
American Mustang & Burro Association
American Paint Horse Association
American Quarter Horse Association
American Rhineland Studbook
American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association
American Shire Horse Association
American Trakehner Association
American Warmblood Registry
American Warmblood Society & Sporthorse Registry
Appaloosa Horse Club
Arabian Horse Association
Belgian Warmblood Breeding Association –
North American District
Canadian Horse Breeders Association
Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association
Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America
Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.
Curly Sporthorse International
Draft Cross Breeders & Owners Association
Fell Pony Society of North America
Friesian Heritage Horse & Sporthorse International
Friesian Horse Association of North America
Friesian Horse Society
Friesian Sport Horse Registry
Friesian Sporthorse Association
German Sport Horse Association
Gypsy Horse Registry of America
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Holsteiner Verband-North American Breeding District
Hungarian Horse Association of America
International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Association
International Drum Horse Association
International Georgian Grande Horse Registry
International Rescue Horse Registry
International Sporthorse Registry/Oldenburg NA
Irish Draught Horse Society of North America
Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark (KNN)
KWPN of North America
New Forest Pony Society of North America
North American Danish Warmblood Association
North American Shagya-Arabian Society
NorthAmerican Sportpony Registry
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society/German Oldenburg Verband
Percheron Horse Association of America
Performance Horse Registry
Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry
Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International
Swedish Warmblood Association of North America
The Jockey Club
Trakehner Association of North America
United States Icelandic Horse Congress
United States Lipizzan Federation
United States P.R.E. Association
US Lusitano Association
Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America
Weser-Em Ponies & Small Horse Registry of the GOV
Westfalen Verband NA