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Agricultural Exempon
This packet has been prepared to assist you through the exempon process for the Natural Resources Permit Secon 4.01.03 of the Land
Development Code (Code). Included are necessary forms, applicaon materials, and explanaons. If you need addional informaon or have
quesons, please contact the Natural Resources Team, Development Services Division, at (813)272-5600. Aer all the necessary materials
have been assembled, you will need to le your request with the Development Services Department, Development Review, County Center,
20th Floor, 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard. In order to avoid delays, please contact a County representave at naturalresources@HCFLGov.net
for assistance with this applicaon. You may bring the applicaon to County Center between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for a
suciency review from Natural Resources sta or submit your documents online at HCFLGov.net/DigitalDropo. The County representave
will review the applicaon for completeness and assign an applicaon review number. No fee is required for an agricultural exempon review,
however, if an exempon is not jused a permit applicaon and applicable fee will be required. A determinaon supporng your request for
an exemption from permitting will result in a formal written response.
Property Information
Size of Property (acreage): ___________________________ Folio#: ___________________________________________________________
Section/Township/Range: ______________________ / ___________________________ / ___________________
Directions to property:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Property Owner Information
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number ( ____ )___________________
Applicant Information (if other than owner)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number (____) ________________
Person, Firm or Corporation to physically conduct land alteration/tree removal activity
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone (____ ) _________________
Address: ____________________________________________City/State/Zip: __________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number ( ____ ) __________________
Zoning Information
Is this property being rezoned?
If yes, to what zoning district? _____________________________________ Zoning Petition Number: _______________________________
Current land use of property:_______________________________________________________________________________________________Have
you been counseled by Development Services Department staff?
If yes, by whom? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT(S): The Owner or Authorized Agent hereby applies for a Agricultural Exempon for
the purpose of performing the following acvity(ies) (P & complete as applicable):
Tree Removal (number, trunk diameter, type):
Grubbing (type of vegetaon):
Clearing (type of vegetaon):
Excavang (cubic yards to be removed o-site):
Filling (type, source, and cubic yards):
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_____________________________________________________ ______________________
Agricultural Exempon
Proposed Agricultural Acvity Informaon
1. Proposed Agricultural Use(s)
Use Acres Ancipated Years of Use
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
Grazing Land
_____________________ _____________________
Number of livestock:
Will supplemental feeding be required?
Forestry (aach copy of proposed Forest Management Plan).
Poultry, swine, or beeyard
Fish Farm
Other (specify type)
2. Land Use History
a. What has been the historical land use of the property?
b. For how long?
Current land use?
c. Was this property classied as Agricultural for Ad Valorum Tax purposes by the
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser in the last year?
d. If yes, for how many years and for what agricultural uses?
Agricultural Income
Proposed Crop Projected Income Projected Expense Projected Net Income
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Land Purchase: (Date)________________________________ (Price) __________________________
I hereby cerfy that this applicaon, as well as any plans, tree survey, and environmentally sensive area delineaon
submied herewith, are a true representaon of all facts concerning the proposed land alteraon/tree removal. This
applicaon is made with my approval as Owner or Authorized Agent for the Owner, as evidenced by my signature below.
Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date
Please Print Name Here
Submial Date Stamp:
Opx Tracking NRAE #: _____________ Current Zoning ________________ Atlas Page _____________
Sta Inials: _______________ Receipt #:________________________
Agricultural Exempon Jused?
NRL Permit Required?
Natural Resources Fee ________________ Grand Oaks Fee __________________ EPC Fee ________________
click to sign
click to edit
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Agricultural Exempon Documents
That May Be Required (Sta Determined)
Required? Submied?
1. Completed Natural Resources Agricultural Exempon Applicaon
2. Legal Descripon of Property.
This may be all or the area of the land alteraon within the
property as indicated in the deed. This should be labeled “Aachment A.
3. Aerial Photograph. A recent secon aerial photograph, at a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet with property
boundaries and area of proposed land alteraon acvies outlined and the adjoining roadways labeled.
This may be downloaded for the Hillsborough County Propert Appraisers website.
4. Site Plan. See example below.
5. Wells. Type and locaon of any well within 500 feet of any area to be excavated and dewatered.
6. Permeability Test. Results of the analysis of an in-situ eld permeability test (horizontal) of any
area to be excavated and dewatered.
7. Dewatering Method. Descripon of dewatering method indicated on site plans and methods
used to control turbidity.
8. Soil Borings. Three test results, signed and sealed by a Civil Engineer registered in Florida, for any
excavaon that goes below natural land surface.
9. For proposed agriculture irrigaon reservoirs:provide a copy of the Southwest Florida Water
Management District (SWFWMD) permit or exempon from perming document or Florida
Department of Environmental Protecon (FDEP) permit. The submission of this documentaon
will exclude items 5 thru 8.
Note: Items 5 thru 8 are only necessary for excavaons proposed to go more than 15 feet below natural grade unless determined
otherwise by sta. Items 5 thru 8 will not be required for excavaons which have received a Southwest Florida Water Management
District (SWFWMD) or Florida Department of Environmental Protecon (FDEP) permit or other pernent SWFWMD or FDEP
document addressing water quality and quanty concerns. A copy of this documentaon must be furnished with the applicaon.
Site Plan Example
SITE PLAN must be drawn to scale to show the following items:
1. Locaon and size of parcel. Idenfy locaon of proposed land alteraon acvity.
2. Exisng and proposed grades on maximum 100 foot centers throughout the proposed land alteraon area.
3. Typical cross secon of each area to be excavated or lled, esmated depth of excavaon or ll area, and esmated volume of
material to be hauled on and/or osite.
4. The dimension of the excavaon or ll area.
SCALE 1”=40’
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Agricultural Exempon Permit
Applicaon Addional Informaon
A. An exempon from perming may apply for land alteraon acvies which are normal and necessary to conduct
bona de agricultural operaons in zoning categories which allow agricultural uses as long as the acvies:
1. Does not involve the removal of more than 500 cubic yards of material osite.
2. Does not cause an adverse impact to upland and/or wetland environmentally sensive areas.
3. Does not cause an adverse impact to neighboring properes by impeding or diverng the ow of surface
water entering or leaving the property boundaries.
4. Do conform to the standards specied in Placement of Fill, Secon 4.01.05. E of the Land Development Code.
B. Bona de agricultural operaons mean acvies normal and necessary for good faith commercial agricultural use
of the land. Such agricultural uses include horculture, oriculture, viculture, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee,
aquaculture, pisciculture, and acvies that might include but are not limited to the following acvies: transplanng,
lling; plowing; planng; harvesng; contouring to prevent erosion; fencing; construcon of internal roads, bridges,
or culverts to facilitate these operaons; construcon or maintenance of irrigaon and drainage ditches; control
structures or dikes; and construcon, operaon or maintenance of agricultural use ponds. In determining whether the
acvity is normal and necessary for the good faith commercial agricultural use of the land, the following factors may be
1. Specic agricultural use of the property.
2. Size of the property as it relates to specic agricultural use.
3. Land designated agricultural by the Hillsborough County Tax Assessor.
4. Pending applicaons for land use or zoning changes.
C. Development Services Department sta will consider the following factors to determine approval, approval with
condions, or disapproval of the proposal with comments:
1. The eect that the proposed land alteraon will have on soil conservaon, surface water quality and ows,
and possible drainage disturbance to surrounding properes.
2. The eect that the proposed land alteraon will have to onsite trees and vegetaon.
3. The eect that the excavaon will have on the quality of groundwater.
4. The eect that the excavaon will have on water levels of surface and ground waters.
5. The eect that the proposed land alteraon will have on all environmentally sensive areas (i.e., wetlands,
and upland signicant and essenal wildlife habitats).
6. The necessity for compliance with other regulaons, (e.g., zoning, building, and environmental regulaons).
D. The following acvies for exisng bona de agricultural operaons do not require an applicaon for an
Agricultural Exempon to the Natural Resource Permit:
A. Normal agricultural pracces such as, eld preparaon, transplanng, lling, plowing, planng, and
harvesng, however, forestry operaons and the conversion of natural lands to improved pasture do require
compleon of an Agricultural Exempon applicaon.
B. Roune reseng or replacement of tree crops (citrus) or other crops to replace dead or diseased plants.
C. Removal of plant material (trees, shrubs, other plants) grown on a plant farm specically for sale during the
ordinary course of business.
D. Tree removal which is exempted by Secon 4.01.03 of the Land Development Code.
E. Trimming of trees in accordance with American Naonal Standards Instute (ANSI) A300 Standards.
F. Limited tree removal and/or trimming not conforming to ANSI A300 Standards on exisng farm operaons to
achieve crop producon requirements.
G. Installaon, repair, or replacement of irrigaon piping systems.
H. Maintenance of exisng permied ponds, water control structures, culverts and drainage systems.
I. Recontouring of raised beds, water furrows, and swales.
J. Fire line maintenance.