Building & Zoning Department
215 S. Broadway, Louisburg, KS 66053
913-837-5811 ·
Site plans for lots within the City of Louisburg are required to be prepared by a registered surveyor.
1. Site Plan shall be drawn to scale and the scale shall be shown.
2. North shall be indicated by an arrow on the drawing.
3. Dimensions for all property lines shall be shown. Area of the property shall be shown in square feet.
4. The location of public or private roads should be shown. Name or number of the road shall be shown.
Road right-of-ways shall be shown.
5. The location of the driveway entrance in relationship to an established property line shall be shown.
Width of the driveway shall be shown.
6. The locations of creeks, streams, and drainage easements shall be shown. Boundaries of flood hazard
zones shall be indicated.
7. The location of utilities and easements shall be shown.
8. The location of all existing buildings shall be shown with the distance between the buildings and property
lines. Dimensions of existing buildings and their use shall be shown on the site plan.
9. The location of proposed building(s) with the distance between the proposed building and existing
structures and property lines shall be shown.
10. Finished drainage contours shall be shown on the plot plan. This shall include the FF elevation and
finished grade at lot corners. Lot drainage shall be designed such that storm water is not discharged to the
adjacent lots.
The Codes Administrator shall require that all applications for building permits for new buildings or expansion of
any existing buildings in multi-family, commercial and industrial zoning districts be subject to Site Plan Review in
accordance with these regulations. Developments shall implement the applicable regulations and requirements
specified in the zoning regulation, shall be encouraged to implement the objectives of the City’s Comprehensive
Plan and to foster compatibility among land uses in the City of Louisburg.
The provisions specified for site plan applications within this procedures manual are intended to only be a summary
of the requirements specified in the adopted zoning regulations for the City of Louisburg and the City of Louisburg
Growth Area. Developers should consult the applicable zoning regulations for a complete list of submittal
requirements for site plan applications.
An application fee and deposit shall be paid at the time the site plan application is submitted. The deposit shall be
used to cover expenses incurred by the city in the processing and review of the application. If the city’s processing
and review costs exceed the amount of the initial deposit, the applicant shall be required to pay the additional
In order to request approval of a site plan application:
1. The applicant shall first meet with the Codes Administrator, the city’s planning consultant, the city engineer
and all other applicable city staff members to receive a complete explanation of the zoning requirement in
question, the site plan application procedure and the application form and to discuss all relevant issues
relating to the site plan application.
2. The applicant shall submit a completed site plan application form along with 15 copies of the proposed site
plan and payment of the appropriate application fee and deposit. The Site Plan shall include data, details,
and supporting plans which are found relevant to the proposal as specified in Section 616 of the City of
Louisburg Zoning Regulations and Section 616 of the City of Louisburg Growth Area Zoning Regulations,
whichever is applicable. The number of pages submitted will depend on the proposal’s size and complexity.
The applicant shall make notations explaining the reasons for any omissions. An application shall not be
processed unless it has been fully completed, the site plan submitted and the application fee and deposit
3. Site Plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, architect, land surveyor or landscape
architect at a scale of 1 inch equals 20 feet, on standard 24” x 36” sheets. In addition, the site plan is
required to comply with all other applicable provisions of the zoning regulations. The additional provisions
include, but are not limited to, Design Standards specified in Section 618 of the City of Louisburg Zoning
Regulations and the City of Louisburg Growth Area Zoning Regulations and the Landscape and Buffer
Requirements specified in Section 620 of the City of Louisburg Zoning Regulations.
4. Review of the site plan shall be performed by the Codes Administrator or the city’s planning consultant, and
submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. The Planning Commission shall perform their review
of the site plan and staff findings at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission for
which the item may be scheduled and shall adjourn and reconvene as is determined necessary.
5. Standard of Review: The recommendations of the Codes Administrator or the city’s planning consultant
shall be based on the following standards:
A. The extent to which the proposal conforms to the provisions of the City of Louisburg Zoning
Regulations or City of Louisburg Growth Area Zoning Regulations, whichever is applicable.
B. The extent to which the development would be compatible with the surrounding area.
C. The extent to which the proposal conforms to the provisions of the Louisburg, Kansas Subdivision
Regulations or City of Louisburg Growth Area Subdivision Regulations, whichever is applicable.
D. The extent to which the proposal conforms to the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the
Comprehensive Plan.
E. The extent to which the proposal conforms to customary engineering standards used in the city or
in Louisburg Growth Area, whichever is applicable.
F. The extent to which the location of streets, paths, walkways, and driveways are located so as to
enhance safety and minimize any adverse traffic impact on the surrounding area.
G. The extent to which the buildings, structures, walkways, roads, driveways, open space (if any),
and parking lots have been located to achieve the following objectives:
(1) Preserve existing off-site views and create desirable on-site views.
(2) Conserve natural resources and amenities including prime agricultural land.
(3) Minimize any adverse flood impact;
(4) Ensure that proposed structures are located on suitable soils;
(5) Minimize any adverse environmental impact; and
(6) Minimize any present or future cost to the City and private providers of utilities in order
to adequately provide public utility services to the site
Return Form To: For Office Use Only
Codes Administrator Case No.
City of Louisburg Filing Fee:
215 S. Broadway Deposit:
Louisburg, KS 66053 Dated Filed:
(913) 837-5811 · (913) 837-5374 (fax)
Applicant: Phone:
Address: Zip:
Owner: Phone:
Address: Zip:
Address of Property:
Legal Description:
Present Zoning Classification: Acreage:
Present Use of Property:
Proposed Use of Property:
Land Use Zoning
Does the proposed site plan meet the following criteria? If yes, attach a separate sheet
explaining why. (To be completed by the applicant.)
1. Does the proposal conform with the provisions of the City's Zoning regulations?
2. Will the development be compatible with the surrounding area?
3. Does the proposal conform with the provisions of the City's Subdivision
4. Does the proposal conform to the goals, objectives and policies of the
Comprehensive Plan?
5. Does the proposal conform with the customary engineering standards used in the
6. Are the streets, paths, walkways, and driveways located such that they enhance
safety and minimize any adverse traffic impact on the surrounding area?
7. Have the proposed buildings, structures, walkways, roads, driveways, open space (if
any), and parking lots been located to preserve existing off-site views and create
desirable on-site views, conserve natural resources and amenities including prime
agricultural land, minimize any adverse flood impact, ensure that proposed
structures are located on suitable soils, minimize any adverse environmental impact,
and minimize any present or future cost to the City and private providers of utilities
in order to adequately provide public utility services to the site.
Site Plan Review Checklist
15 copies of site plan
Applicant's Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit
Return Form To: For Office Use Only:
Codes Administrator, City of Louisburg Date Filed:
215 S. Broadway Date of Meeting:
Louisburg, KS 66053 Filing Fee:
(913) 837-5811 · (913) 837-5374 (fax) Deposit:
1. Name of Project: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Location of Project: ________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Owner:
4. Name of Person who prepared the Site Plan:
5. Instructions:
The following checklist is to be completed by the Codes Administrator. The Site Plan shall include the
following data, details and supporting information which are found to be relevant to the proposal. All site plans
shall be prepared by an architect or landscape architect registered in the State of Kansas, or by a professional
engineer licensed in the State of Kansas. The number of pages submitted will depend on the proposal's size and
A. Site Plan Content Requirements: Does the Site Plan comply with or show the following?
Yes No
1. Name of the project, address, boundaries, date,
north arrow and scale of the plan. _____ _____
2. Name and address of the owner of record, developer,
and seal of the engineer, architect or landscape architect. _____ _____
3. Name and address of all owners of record of abutting
parcels. _____ _____
4. All existing lot lines, easements, and rights-of-way.
Include area in acres or square feet, abutting land uses
and structures. _____ _____
5. The location and use of all existing and proposed
buildings and structures within the development,
including all dimensions of height and floor area,
show all exterior entrances and all anticipated future
additions and alterations, and typical elevations
and building materials. _____ _____
6. The location of all present and proposed public and
private ways, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs and
fences. Location type and screening details for all waste
disposal containers shall also be shown. _____ _____
Yes No
7. The location of required parking areas including parking
stalls, setbacks and loading and service areas. _____ _____
8. The location, height, intensity, and bulb type (e.g.,
fluorescent, sodium incandescent) of all external lighting
fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to
eliminate glare onto adjoining properties. _____ _____
9. The location, height, size, materials, and design of all
proposed signage. _____ _____
10. A landscape plan showing all existing open space, trees
forest cover and water sources, and all proposed changes
to these features including the size and type of plant
material. Water sources will include ponds, lakes, brooks,
streams, wetlands, flood plains, and drainage retention
areas. _____ _____
11. The location of all existing and proposed utility systems
a. sewer lines and manholes; _____ _____
b. water lines and fire hydrants; _____ _____
c. telephone, cable and electrical systems; and _____ _____
d. storm drainage system including existing and
proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, head
walls, end walls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage
swales. _____ _____
12. Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater,
the erosion of soil both during and after construction,
excessive run-off, excessive raising or lowering of the
water table, and flooding of other properties, as applicable. _____ _____
13. Existing and proposed topography shown at not more than
two-foot contour intervals. All elevation shall refer to
United States Geodetic Survey (U.S.G.S.) datum. No
building shall be located in the 100-year flood plain. _____ _____
14. Existing and proposed zoning district boundaries adjacent
to the site’s perimeter shall be drawn and identified on
the plan. _____ _____
15. Traffic flow patterns within the site, entrances and exits,
loading and unloading areas, curb cuts on the site and
within 100 feet of the site. _____ _____
Yes No
16. A detailed traffic study for mixed use and multi-tenant
developments, or for developments in heavy traffic areas if
required by the Codes Administrator to include:
a. The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter
or exit the site, estimated for daily and peak hour
traffic level. _____ _____
b. The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular
movements at all major intersections likely to be
affected by the proposed use of the site; and _____ ______
c. The impact of this traffic upon existing abutting public
and private ways in relation to existing road capacities.
Existing and proposed daily and peak hour traffic levels,
as well as road capacity levels, shall also be given. _____ _____
B. Design Standards:
1. Is the proposed development located within an R-3, C-O,
C-1, C-3, C-S, B-P, I-1, or I-2 zoned area?
If the answer to letter B.1 above is no, go to letter C below.
2. Does the building roof top have at least two of the following
features: Parapets concealing flat roofs and roof top
equipment; overhanging eaves; sloped roofs; and three or
more roof slope planes? _______
3. Are roof mounted equipment, including ventilators and
satellite dishes, screened from view (100 percent opacity)
or isolated so as to not be visible from ground level of any
adjacent public thorough-fare or residentially-zoned area,
up to a maximum of 300 feet away and is the appearance
of the roof screens coordinated with the building to
maintain a unified appearance? _______
4. Are all electrical and mechanical equipment located
adjacent to the building and visible from any adjacent
public thoroughfare or residentially-zoned area screened
from view (100 percent opacity), up to a maximum of 300
feet away and are such screens and enclosures treated as
integral elements of the buildings appearance? _______
5. Except for meters, electric and telephone service pedestals,
transformers, three-phase feeder lines, subtransmission
and transmission lines (34.5kv and above), electrical
substations and such other facilities as the utility may deem
necessary to install utilizing "overhead" type construction,
are all telephone and cable television lines, electrical
services and distribution lines placed underground?
6. Are all gas meters in any front yards, located within three
feet of the building foundation?
Yes No
7. Is the form and proportion of buildings consistent or
compatible with the scale, form and proportion of existing
development in the immediate area?
8. Pedestrian access shall be an integral part of the overall
design of each multi-family, commercial, and industrial
a. Does the pedestrian access provide safe and convenient
access to and from off-street parking areas?
b. Does the pedestrian access connect with abutting
properties and developments so as to create an
alternative means of transportation for residents of
the city?
c. Are sidewalks at least 5 feet in width provided along
all sides of a lot abutting a dedicated public or private
d. Is there a continuous internal pedestrian sidewalk
provided from the perimeter public sidewalk to the
principal customer entrance(s)?
e. Does the internal sidewalk feature landscaping,
benches, and other such materials and facilities for
no less than 50 percent of its length?
f. Are sidewalks provided along the full length of
the building along any facade featuring a customer
entrance and along any facade abutting a public
parking areas?
g. Are sidewalks located at least five feet away from
the building facade to provide planting areas for
landscaping along the foundation of the building?
h. Are internal pedestrian sidewalks distinguished from
driving surfaces through the use of special pavers,
bricks, or scored concrete to enhance pedestrian safety
and the attractiveness of the sidewalks?
9. Architectural design should create visual interest
through the use of different textures, complementary
colors, shadow lines and contrasting shapes.
a. Will the buildings have a variation of detail, form,
and siting to provide visual interest?
b. Are loading docks, trash enclosures, outdoor storage
and similar facilities and functions incorporated into
the over-all design of the building and the landscaping
so that the visual and acoustic impacts of these
functions are reduced to as great an extent as possible
Yes No
and are out of view from adjacent properties and
public streets?
c. Do building facades 100 feet or greater in length
incorporate recesses and projections along at least 20
percent of the length of the building facade?
d. Do windows, awnings, and arcades total at least 60
percent of the facade length abutting any public
e. Does any building facade 100 feet or greater in length
abutting a residential district, have an earth berm of at
least six feet in height installed between the building
facade and the abutting residential district and is the
earth berm landscaped with evergreen trees at intervals
of at least 20 feet on center, or in clusters?
10. Minimum Exterior Building Material Standards: Does a
minimum of 50% of each exterior wall consist of one or
more of the following materials?:
a. Masonry: Masonry construction which include solid
cavity faced or veneered-wall construction, or similar
b. Glass Walls: Glass walls shall include glass curtain
walls or glass block construction.
c. Wood other than exposed plywood paneling.
d. Concrete finish or precast concrete panel (tilt wall)
that has exposed aggregate, hammered, sandblasted
or covered with a cement-based acrylic coating.
e. Metal panels with a depth of one inch or more; or a
thickness of U.S. Standard 26 gauge or more.
C. Landscape and Buffer Requirements:
1. Is the proposed development located in the Louisburg
Growth Area or on a lot or tract of land that is zoned C-2?
If the answer to question C.1 above is yes, the following questions do not need to be completed.
2. Open Space Landscaping:
a. At least three plant units provided for each 1,000
square feet of lot area or fraction thereof?
b. The open space plant units required are located in
required front and side yard setback areas to the
maximum extent possible.
Yes No
3. Parking Lot Landscaping:
a. Off-street parking areas are screened from all public
rights-of-way and from adjacent residentially zoned
b. The amount of landscaping provided in the interior
portion of the off-street parking area complies with
the requirements of Section 620.C(2) of the zoning
c. Landscaping between the parking lot and the building
is a minimum of 10 feet deep.
d. The parking lot landscaping is reasonably dispersed
throughout the off-street parking area.
e. The interior dimensions of any planting area within
an off-street parking area is of sufficient size to protect
plant materials and to ensure proper growth and
planting areas which contain trees are a minimum of
seven feet in width.
f. All planting areas within off-street parking areas are
protected by raised curbs or wheel stops to prevent
damage by vehicles and vehicle overhang.
4. Right-of-way and Transition Buffers:
a. Based upon the requirements specified in Section 620.D of the City of Louisburg
Zoning Regulations, what type of right-of-way buffer is required?
Type A Type B Type C Type D
b. Based upon the requirements specified in Section 620.D of the City of Louisburg
Zoning Regulations, what type of transition buffer is required?
Type A Type B Type C Type D
Yes No
c. The right-of-way buffer proposed on the site plan
contains the required number of plant units.
d. The transition buffer on the proposed site plan
contain the required number of plant units.
Yes No
5. Landscape Material Standards:
a. The plants proposed conform to or exceed the plant
quality standards of the most recent edition of American
Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the American
Association of Nurserymen.
b. The trees proposed on the site are of a ornamental,
evergreen, or large deciduous type.
c. If more than 10 trees are required to be planted, a mix
of species has been provided to meet the requirements
of Section 620.E(4)b specified in the City of Louisburg
Zoning Regulations.
d. Medium and large deciduous trees proposed to be
installed have a minimum caliper of two inches.
e. Small deciduous and ornamental trees proposed to be
installed have a minimum height of four feet.
f. Conifers proposed to be installed have a minimum
height of five feet.
g. Upright evergreens proposed to be installed have a
minimum height of four feet
h. The ground area within the required landscape areas
have appropriate landscape treatment and present a
finished appearance and reasonably complete
coverage upon planting.