Building & Zoning Department
215 S. Broadway, Louisburg, KS 66053
913-837-5811 ·
B. Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses.
1. No accessory buildings or structures shall be erected in any required front or side
yard, and no detached accessory building shall be erected closer than five (5) feet
to any other building. Accessory buildings may be located in the rear yard, but
shall not be closer than five (5) feet to the rear or side lot-line except that if the
building has a vehicular alley entrance that is perpendicular to the alley line, the
setback of the building shall not be less than ten (10) feet from the alley line and
if the building is built parallel to the alley line and has a vehicular entrance from a
wall that is perpendicular to the alley line, no setback shall be required from the
alley line. No accessory building shall cover more than thirty (30) percent of the
required rear yard, be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the main
building has been started, or be used for dwelling purposes. Accessory buildings
shall not be placed within easements. Setbacks shall be equal to or greater than
easement width. Accessory buildings shall be ancillary to the primary dwelling
and shall be located on the same lot as the primary dwelling. Swimming pools
shall maintain a distance of at least ten (10) feet from water’s edge to any
property line. Concrete decking shall not be located on any utility easement.
2. Detached accessory storage buildings with a gross floor area of one hundred fifty
(150) square feet or less do not require a building permit, and are not subject to
design standards.
3. Detached accessory storage buildings with a gross floor area greater than one
hundred fifty (150) square feet require a building permit, must be constructed in
accordance with the current building code, and are subject to design standards.
Sidewalls of said buildings shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height. Any such
accessory building that contains an 8-foot wide by 7-foot tall or greater garage
door opening, or that exceeds three hundred (300) square feet in gross floor area,
shall require construction of a hard surface driveway.
4. Detached accessory garages or carports shall not exceed a three-car capacity or
floor dimensions of thirty-six (36) feet by twenty-four (24) feet and the side walls
of said buildings shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height. All accessory garages or