State of Oregon
COVID-19 Emergency Business
Grant Application
The Oregon Legislature, in partnership with the Governor, allocated $5 Million from the State
General Fund, which will be combined with $5 Million redirected from existing programs at the
Oregon Business Development Department (Business Oregon), for the purpose of providing
financial assistance to small businesses adversely affected by economic conditions associated
with the COVID-19 pandemic that have not received federal emergency assistance under the
federal CARES Act or other federal program for emergency pandemic funding.
To fill gaps not reached by other programs, these state funds are directed to adversely
affected businesses with 25 or fewer employees, and only those that have been unable to
receive federal CARES Act funding, including the Small Business Administration's Paycheck
Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance program, or other
federal programs for emergency pandemic funding to date. Businesses may use the proceeds
for any business-related operating expenses.
This application is for a business that meets all of the following eligibility requirements:
The Business is headquartered in Oregon and has its principal operations in Oregon.
If required by Oregon law to be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State to do
business in Oregon, the Business is so registered.
The Business has 25 or fewer employees.
The Business was adversely affected in either one of the following two ways:
o For-profit and non-profit (limited to 501(c)(3) corporations) businesses that were
prohibited from operation as directed by Executive Order 20-12.
o For-profit businesses that can demonstrate a one-month decline in sales greater
than 50% in the month of March 2020 or April 2020 as compared against sales in
the month of January 2020 or February 2020. Those non-profit businesses (limited
to 501(c)(3) corporations) that can demonstrate a decline in revenue greater than
50% across the months of March 2020 and April 2020 as compared against the
same period of time in 2019.
The Business that has been unable to access federal CARES Act funds including:
o The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP);
o Small Business Administrations’ (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency
Advance program (EIDL); or
o Other federal programs to date for emergency pandemic funding.
The following Businesses are ineligible to apply for or receive funding under the Program:
Passive real estate holding companies and other entities holding passive investments.
Non-profit entities that do not have federal 501(c)(3) status.
Businesses that are delinquent on federal, state or local taxes that were due before April 1,
Businesses that do not comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations.