CITY OF FAIRVIEW 1300 NE VILLAGE STREET, FAIRVIEW, OREGON 97024 PHONE: (503) 665-7929 FAX: (503) 666-0888 Page of
9. Indemnity/Insurance
In consideration of the City of Fairview closing one or more public streets for the activity for which this permit was issued, the
applicant and sponsors of this event hereby agree to save the City, its elected officials, employees, directors, and agents
harmless from and against all damages to persons or property, all expenses and other liability, claims, demands, actions and
suits (including attorney fees) that might result from this activity including special events, street closures and no parking
Applicant/Group shall maintain public liability and property damage insurance that protects the applicant/group and the City, its
elected officials, directors, employee and agents from any all claims, demands, actions and suits for damage to property or
personal injury including death, arising from the applicant’s special event including street closures and no parking barricades.
The insurance shall provide coverage for not less than $1,000,000 for personal injury to each person, $1,000,000 for each
occurrence, and $1,000,000 for each occurrence involving property damage; or a single limit policy of not less than
$1,000,000 coverall all claims per occurrence.
Rules and Regulations (Please initial each item to indicate understanding of the requirement)
___ Participants shall yield right-of-way to Emergency vehicle traffic at all times, unless directed otherwise by a police officer.
___ The event will be conducted in such a manner that will ensure the safety of all participants.
___ No alcoholic beverages are permitted on city streets and facilities unless an OLCC license has been issued for this event.
___ Residences and businesses located adjacent to the proposed closure MUST be notified a minimum of 10 days prior to
the event. A copy of the notification must be turned in before the event takes place.
___ It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with the Gresham Fire Department for additional permits which may be
___ Signage for road closures is the responsibility of the applicant. Road closure signs must be CLEARLY placed to block off
streets with appropriate barricades and cones. After the event start time as listed in Section 2 of this application, NO
street traffic shall be allowed through barricades and cones.
___ If No Parking is required as part of the event, the applicant must fill out Attachment A and meet the requirements listed
___ A person commits the offense of unlawful use of the streets if the person obstructs the free movement of vehicles or
pedestrians without first obtaining a Special Event Street Closure/No Parking Permit from the City. This permit can be
revoked if circumstances reasonably show that the event can no longer be conducted consistent with public safety. It
shall be the duty of the Fairview Police Department to enforce this permit. Violators may be issued a citation in addition to
any provision for towing of vehicles. In the event of fire or other public emergency, public safety officers may direct traffic,
as conditions require. The applicant is responsible for any damage to a street or parking lot.
___ Applicant and event sponsor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Fairview and obtain the appropriate insurance
as set forth in the Section 9 above.
A charge of $25.00 is being made by the City of Fairview to partially cover staff and other costs associated with processing the Temporary Use
Permit Application needed for this activity. No other charge is being made by the City for recreational use of city streets and other city rights-
of-way or other public lands. Since the City does not charge for use of its land for recreational purposes, the City is immune from liability for
any injury or property damage that a person may suffer because of the use of the City’s land under the terms of ORS 105.67s to ORS
I hereby certify that I am the authorized representative of the named group listed on this permit application, that the above
statements are true to the best of my knowledge, and that I and my group will abide by all of the above restrictions, administrative
rules and applicable City Ordinances.
I have read and understand all of the above statements.
________________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature Date