Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
PowPak Dimming Module Wireless Lighting Control
369913h 4 07.24.18
Specifications (continued)
0 –10V- Control Link
• Communicateswithupto60mAoffixtures
• ControllinkisIECSELV/NEC® Class 2
• 0–10V- control can be installed using NEC®
be wired to basic or double-insulated devices
• Alwaysconsultlocalwiringcodes
• CompatiblewithANSIE1.32001(R2006),
Emergency Model Sequence of Operation
With a Vive hub:
• Normal mode:TheRMJS-8T-DV-B-EMcandim
loads as normal and respond to local button presses,
Pico wireless controls, and occupancy / daylight
• IftheemergencyPowPaklosespowerforgreater
than 250 mS, it will automatically go into emergency
mode (full output, relay closed), when emergency
power is restored to the PowPak, for as long as
wireless controls and occupancy /daylight sensors
will not respond. The emergency light level of the
emergency PowPak can be configured using the
Vive hub.
• WhennormalpowerisrestoredtotheVivehub
and emergency PowPak, the emergency PowPak
will return to the previous light level in most cases
within 3 minutes, but guaranteed within 10 minutes
of normal power being restored. It will again accept
local button control, input from Pico wireless
controls, and occupancy / daylight sensors.
Without a Vive hub:
• Normal mode:TheRMJS-8T-DV-B-EMcandim
loads as normal and respond to local button presses,
Pico wireless controls, and occupancy / daylight
• IftheemergencyPowPaklosespowerforgreater
than 250 mS, it will automatically go into emergency
mode (full output, relay closed) for 90 minutes, when
local buttons, Pico wireless controls and occupancy /
daylight sensors will not respond for 90 minutes.
• Whennormalpowerisrestored,theemergency
PowPak will remain in emergency mode for 90
minutes (full output, relay closed). It will then return
to the previous light level and accept local button
control, inputs from Pico wireless controls, and
occupancy/daylight sensors.
Default Operation
• Associatedwirelessinputdevicescontrolall
connected fixtures together
• OccupancySensors:
– Occupied:100%;Unoccupied:0%(OFF)
• PicoRemoteControls:
– On:100%;FavoriteLevel:50%;Off:0%(OFF)
• DaylightSensor:Decreaseselectriclightinresponse
to additional available daylight
Key Design Features
• LEDstatusindicatorshowsloadstatusandprovides
programming feedback
• Configurablehigh-endandlow-endtrim
• Powerfailurememory:Ifpowerisinterrupted,
connected loads will return to the previous level prior
to interruption
• 0–10V- control mis-wire protection up to 30V-
the product to increase the warranty period from
1 year to 5 years. Please visit www.lutron.com/
TechnicalDocument Library/369-119_Wallbox_
Warranty.pdf for warranty details.