2020-21 Student
Data & Consent Form
College: Wilson Community College
Full Name of Scholarship Recipient
Target Group Affiliation (Check all that apply)
Unemployed /
Underemployed* Adult
Military Veteran
or Spouse
Underserved Populations: Specific
Workforce Sector or Area
Current Employment
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
* Underemployed is defined as individuals earning within 200% of the federal poverty level guidelines or below.
Award Information
Scholarship Eligible Course
How would you have funded the course(s) if you
had not received the scholarship?
Do you plan to enroll in further training?
If yes, what future training do you plan to seek?
*College should see SECU Foundation Bridge to Career Program Guidelines for course eligibility requirements.
Please attach the following documents:
⎯ Student Bio – Should detail the student’s need for the scholarship and how it will help with their
educational and vocational goals.
⎯ Student Photo
Student Consent
As a condition of the award, I give my consent to the release of my name, biographical statement, and image for
publications written/distributed by the System Office, the local Community College, and/or the State Employees’
Credit Union and its Foundation. As condition of this award, it is my responsibility to notify the College of licensure,
certification and/or job obtainment because of participation in this program. I further consent to be contacted after
completion of my coursework to determine if my participation in the program assisted me in gaining certification
and/or employment.
I attest I am not an employee, Board Member, or family member of the State Employees’ Credit Union or SECU
Scholarship Coordinator:
Lois McNeal
(252) 246-1287
Updated: April 29, 2019