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Please provide details of all the horse(s) to be added to the licence
Name of horse
Horse passport number
Horse Microchip Number
Are there other horses, donkeys, etc to be
added? If ‘yes’, provide the information
required in 5.6 to 5.8 for all other horses on
an additional sheet (provided on page 4)
Vet Inspection Assessment
6.1 Name of veterinary surgeon
6.2 Company name
6.4 Telephone number
6.5 Email address
Standard payment and declaration section
Payment must be made at the time of making the change
Confirm date payment of fee made and how
made e.g. online Include reference number
Please attach the following Information
Vet Inspection Report
This section must be completed by the applicant. If you are an agent, please ensure this section is completed
by the applicant.
I am aware of the provisions of the relevant Act, Regulations and Statutory Guidance.
The details contained in this form and any attached documentation are correct to the best of my knowledge and
I understand that a person authorised by the Council may inspect the premises either by appointment or
unannounced at any reasonable time.
I understand that a person authorised by the Council may take photographs or video footage whilst carrying out
inspections or visits to the premises.
I am aware that a fee is payable for this application.
I accept that all veterinary fees incurred by the authority in respect to the licence application will be recoverable
at cost.
I accept that in the event of my application being refused or I withdraw it, I will not be refunded the application
fee or any part thereof under any circumstances.
I accept that on occasion the Council has to provide information to third parties in response to requests made
under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information
Signing this box indicates you have read
and understood the above declaration
Full name
The information you provide on this form will be used by Guildford Borough Council for licensing purposes. We may share
your information and make any other necessary enquiries regarding your application with other departments and statutory
organisations in relation to the application. Your personal information will be processed in line with Data Protection
legislation and we will not disclose information about you to anyone outside the Council unless the law permits or requires
us to. We will retain your data for as long as it is required for our administrative use, after which it will be securely
disposed of. If you believe the data we process on you is incorrect you may request to see this information and, if
click to sign
click to edit