10. How will you make sure no unauthorised person or child enters the firing area, safety area
and fall-out area? Provide details.
11. Have you identified emergency service routes to site and made arrangements
to keep routes clear of obstructions and accessible at all times during the event? YES NO
12. Have you provided a communication system between display organiser and staff? YES NO
13. Is there a suitable PA system to make announcements to the public? YES NO
14. Are systems in place for the removal and safe disposal of hazardous or unsuitable
material for bonfires? YES NO
15. Have you organised the cleaning up of debris etc after the event? YES NO
16. If something should go wrong, have you got a procedure in place? (Consider burns from
Sparklers, accident with a firework, bonfire getting out of control, cancelling due to adverse
weather, people bringing their own fireworks on site.) Provide details
…………………………………………………………Have you provided first aid facilities? YES NO
17. Have you enclosed the event site plan and risk assessment with this
If further information is required, please provide name and contact no if different from above.
Name…………………………………Tel. No work………………home………………….
Return to; Jackie Hall, Public Protection Service, Floor 3, Number One Riverside, Smith Street,
Rochdale, OL16 1XU, Jackie.hall@rochdale.gov.uk At least 10 days before the event.
Find out how we use your personal information at rochdale.gov.uk/privacy