Innovative Solutions. Technical Excellence.
1159 Business Park Drive, Traverse City, MI 49686
800-333-0958 / FAX: 855-900-6119
$2000 Scholarship Application
Student Information:
First Middle Last
Street Address City State Zip
Hometown City State
________________________________________ ______________________________________________
E-mail Phone
University/College attending:
Current Year: ________________________ Current GPA: _______________________
**Student: Only Junior or Senior CLS students are eligible for the API Scholarships. Please provide responses to the three
questions shown below. You may use attachments in responding with the submitted application.
**Program Director: As required for eligibility, please attach a letter of recommendation of the student nominee.
Question 1: Describe an experience from your life and explain how this experience influenced your decision to pursue clinical
laboratory science.
Question 2: Discuss a special attribute or achievement that sets you apart from other potential candidates to receive this award.
Question 3: Explain the importance of clinical laboratory science in our current times, and your vision of how laboratory
science will evolve in the future.