Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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50-162 • 12-16/13
STEP 3: Identify the Agent:
______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Name Telephone Number (include area code)
City, State, Zip Code
STEP 4: Specify the Agent’s Authority
The agent identied above is authorized to represent me in (check one):
all property tax matters concerning the property identied
the following specic property tax matters:
The agent identied above is authorized to receive condential information pursuant to Tax Code Sections 11.48(b)(2),
22.27(b)(2), 23.123(c)(2), 23.126(c)(2) and 23.45(b)(2): ............................................................
I hereby direct, as indicated below, the appraisal district, appraisal review board, and each taxing unit participating in the appraisal district to deliver the
documents checked below to the agent identied above regarding the property identied. I acknowledge that such documents will be delivered only to
the agent at the agent’s address indicated above and will not be delivered to me unless the affected offices choose to send me copies or are otherwise
required by law. I understand that these documents can affect my legal rights and that the appraisal district, appraisal review board and the taxing units are
not required to send me copies if I direct them to deliver the documents to my agent.
all communications from the chief appraiser
all communications from the appraisal review board
all communications from all taxing units participating in the appraisal district
STEP 5: Date the Agent’s Authority Ends. Pursuant to Tax Code Section 1.111(c), this designation remains in eect until the date
indicated or until a written revocation is led with the appraisal district by the property owner or the owner’s designated agent.
A designation may be made to expire according to its own terms but is still subject to prior revocation by the property owner or
designated agent. Pursuant to Tax Code Section 1.111(d), a property owner may not designate more than one agent to represent
the property owner in connection with an item of property. The designation of an agent in connection with an item of property
revokes any previous designation of an agent in connection with that item of property. By designating an agent on this form,
previous designations of other agents in connection with the items of property shown on the form are revoked.
Date Agent’s Authority Ends . . . . . ____________________
STEP 6: Identication, Signature, and Date:
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Property Owner, Property Manager or Other Person Date
Authorized to Act on Behalf of the Property Owner*
_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Printed Name of Property Owner, Property Manager or Other Person Title
Authorized to Act on Behalf of the Property Owner
The individual signing this form is (check one):
the property owner
a property manager authorized to designate agents for the owner
other person authorized to act on behalf of the owner other than the person being designated as agent
* This form must be signed by the property owner, a property manager authorized to designate agents for the owner or other person authorized to act on behalf of the owner
other than the person being designated as agent. If you are a person other than the property owner, the appraisal district may request a copy of the document(s) authorizing
you to designate agents or act on behalf of the property owner.
If you make a false statement on this form, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Penal Code Section 37.10.
For more information, visit our website:
click to sign
click to edit