Form 9661 (Rev. 4-2016)
www.irs.govCatalog Number 20829N
Form 9661
(April 2016)
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Cooperative Agreement
General Federal Award Information
Recipient name Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN)
Recipient address
Federal award date
Period of performance October 1, to
September 30,
City State Amount of federal funds obligated
Unique entity identifier (DUNS) Total amount of federal funds obligated
Indirect cost rate Total amount of federal award
Budget approved Total cost sharing or matching required
Minimum federal returns to
be accomplished by your
Multi-Year award
Yes No
Multi-Year period
1 2 3
Grant Program Information
CFDA number and name
Program source
Federal award description
The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program offers free tax help to individuals who are age 60 or older. Section
163 of the Revenue Act of 1978, Public Law No. 95-600, 92 Stat. 2810, November 6, 1978, authorizes this
cooperative agreement. This Act authorizes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to enter into agreements with private
or public non-profit agencies and organizations, which will provide training and technical assistance to volunteers who
provide free tax counseling and assistance to elderly individuals in the preparation of their federal income tax returns.
Contact Information for IRS Grant Officer
Name Telephone number
Internal Revenue Service
5000 Ellin Road, NCFB C4-110
Lanham, Maryland 20706
Email address
Alternate telephone number
Alternate email address
This Cooperative Agreement is entered into by the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, United States of America,
hereinafter referred to as IRS, and the recipient shown above and hereinafter referred to as grant recipient.
Period of Performance: The Cooperative Agreement covers the grant period shown above and is conditional on compliance with
terms and conditions (located within Publication 5245) and available on IRS.gov at https://www.irs.gov/Individuals/Tax-Counseling-for-
the-Elderly. Recipients are cautioned to review the terms and conditions specific to this agreement (either single year/multi-year award)
in its entirety prior to signing. Expenses incurred before or after this period are not covered by this grant.
The Federal Government may be operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) and the Federal Government's obligation under the
TCE Grant Program is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for the TCE Grant Program can be
made. No additional expense reimbursements or other payments shall be made by the IRS unless the total amount of federal award set
forth above is increased in writing by the Director, Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication, Wage and Investment
Division, or their designee.
If multi-year award is indicated above, you are an approved multi-year grant recipient. Your grant will be renewed in year two or year
three, provided your organization meets the multi-year grant criteria as outlined in the application package for your initial multi-year
award. Funding for the subsequent grant cycle may be increased or decreased, depending on the Congressional appropriation for the
TCE Program and your organization’s performance during the grant cycle covered by this award.
Approved by an Authorized Representative of the Recipient
Name (print)
Title (print)
Signature Date
Approved for the Internal Revenue Service
Name (print)
Title (print)
Signature Date
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