Collin Central Appraisal District
250 Eldorado Pkwy
McKinney, TX 75069
Ph - 469.742.9200
Property Owner’s Affidavit of Evidence
to the Appraisal Review Board
Tax Year:
• Property owners are not required to use this form but may instead submit evidence or argument with a written, signed, sworn statement that: identifies the
protesting party, describes the property under protest, and meets the requirements of Tax Code Section 41.45.
• The affidavit must be received by the ARB before the hearing begins. To facilitate input of a property owner's declaration and evidentiary materials into the
ARB's hearing records the ARB is requesting evidence from the property owner and appraisal district three (3) days prior to the hearing. The ARB will accept
affidavits by either (a) mail or hand delivery to the address above, (b) by email to, or (c) faxed to 469-742-9201.
• Please ensure that you submit a completed affidavit. The ARB will not consider affidavits that are not signed, dated, and notarized.
• Review the ARB Hearing Procedures to properly submit evidence, these were included with your Notice of Hearing letter.
SECTION 1 – Property Owner or Lessee’s Information
Property Owner or Lessee’s Name
Property Owner or Lessee’s Mailing Address
City, State, & ZIP Code
SECTION 2 – Property Description
Physical Address (give street address and city)
Property’s Legal Description
Appraisal District Account Number(s) (if known)
Mobile Homes (give make, model, and identification numbers)
SECTION 3 – Protested Action or Decision
I seek relief from the following determination or other action of the appraisal district relating to my property described above:
Incorrect appraised (market) value.
g-use, open-space or other special appraisal was denied, modified, or
Value is unequal compared with other properties.
Change in use of land appraised as ag-use, open-space, or timberland.
Exemption was denied, modified, or canceled.
Incorrect appraised or market value of land under special appraisal for
ag-use, open-space, or other special appraisal.
Owner’s name is incorrect.
Property should not be taxed in ________________________________
(name of taxing unit)
Property description is incorrect.
Failure to send required notice. _______________________________
(type of notice)
Property is not located in this appraisal district or otherwise
should not be included on the district’s record.
Other: ___________________________________________________
(write-in reason)
SECTION 4 – Evidence
Briefly identify the types of evidentiary materials (such as letters, receipts, deeds, photographs, etc.) submitted with this affidavit to the ARB for
consideration. Evidentiary materials must be submitted with this form to complete this section.
Evidence and/or documentation to support your protest and the arguments made in SECTION 5 of this form should be attached to this
document if submitting your affidavit on paper or attached to the email delivering your affidavit electronically. Electronic evidence should be
submitted in the following file types: PDF, MS Office (Word/Excel/
P P i ) i JPEG PNG TIFF M l i l fil b b i d l i ll h h l bi d i
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CCAD-283 [Rev 21/03.1]