Collin ARB 2020
Property Owner’s Declaration of Evidence
Appraisal District Property ID number(s) or Geo Number(s):________________________________________________________________________________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This form is for use by a property owner to offer and submit evidence and/or argument for an appraisal review board (ARB) protest
hearing by telephone conference call or written declaration pursuant to Tax Code Section 41.45.
FILING INSTRUCTIONS: This affidavit and evidence for the hearing may be submitted to the ARB either in paper or on a small portable electronic device (such as a
CD, USB flash drive or thumb drive) which will be kept by the ARB.
SECTION 1: Property Owner or Lessee
Name of Property Owner or Lessee
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
(area code and number) Email Address*
* An email address of a member of the public could be confidential under Government Code Section 552.137; however, by including the email address on this form, you are affirmatively
consenting to its release under the Public Information Act.
SECTION 2: Property Description
Physical Address, City, State, Zip Code (if different than above)
If no street address, provide legal description. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mobile Home Make, Model and Identification Number (if applicable)
SECTION 3: Reasons for Protest
To preserve your right to present each reason for your protest to the ARB according to law, be sure to select all boxes that apply. Failure to select the box
that corresponds to each reason for your protest may result in your inability to protest an issue that you want to pursue.
(name of taxing unit)
be included on the appraisal district’s record.
Incorrect appraised (market) value.
Value is unequal compared with other properties.
Property should not be taxed in
Property is not located in this appraisal district or otherwise should not
Failure to send required notice.
Exemption was denied, modified or cancelled.
Ag-use, open-space or other special appraisal was denied, modified or cancelled.
Change in use of land appraised as ag-use, open-space or timberland.
Incorrect appraised or market value of land under special appraisal
for ag-use, open-space or other special appraisal.
Owner’s name is incorrect.
Property description is incorrect.
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SECTION 4: Evidence
Attach evidentiary materials (such as letters, receipts, deeds, photographs, etc.) to be submitted with this declaration.
Provide the total number of pages or images submitted as evidence with this declaration: _________________
SECTION 4(a): Collin ARB Evidence File Criteria
Evidence and/or documentation to support your protest and the arguments made in SECTION 5 of this form should be attached to
this document if submitting your declaration on paper or attached to the email delivering your declaration electronically.
Electronic evidence should be submitted in the following file types: PDF, MS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) or image types: JPEG,
PNG or TIFF. Multiple files may be submitted electronically, however, the total combined size must not exceed 20MB per
declaration submittal.