Motor Vehicle Administration
6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Burnie, Maryland 21062
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TTY for the hearing impaired: 1-800-492-4575. Visit our website at: www.MVA.Maryland.gov
Verication of Identity and/or School Attendance
DL-300 (08-15)
Learner’s Permit Applicants: Maryland State Law requires all applicants for a learner’s permit, under the age of 16, to demonstrate acceptable
school attendance in the prior school semester. To verify school attendance, School Ofcial or Home School Coordinator must complete
Sections B and D of this form.
Verication of Identity: This form may also be used to verify the identity of an applicant named in Section A. To verify the applicant’s identity,
School Ofcial or Home School Coordinator must complete Sections C and D of this form.
This form applies to public, private and home school students.
Section A: Must be completed by the applicant.
Sections B, C, & D: Must be completed by School Ofcial or Home Schooling Coordinator.
Please select the requirement(s) this form is being used for:
q School Attendance: School Ofcial MUST complete Sections A, B, and D.
q Verication of Identity: School Ofcial MUST complete Sections A, C, and D.
Section A: Applicant
To be completed by the Applicant:
Section B: School Ofcial/Home School Coordinator Must answer BOTH questions below.
1. Is the applicant, named in Section A, home schooled?
q YES q NO
2. Has the applicant had 10 or less unexcused absences during the prior school semester?
q YES q NO
Section C: Verication of Identity
Does the information in Section A accurately identify the applicant enrolled in your school or home school program for the preceding 12 months
according to ofcial school records?
q YES q NO
Section D: School Ofcial/Home Schooling Coordinator
This form must be placed in a sealed envelope with OFFICIAL school stamp or seal
over ap. The applicant must present the sealed envelope to an MVA ofcial during the
time of the application process. If the seal is tampered with or broken on the envelope,
this certication will be null and void. This certication and envelope must contain a
school stamp or seal.
Please place OFFICIAL school stamp or seal in this box and across ap of envelope.
Ofcial School Stamp or Seal Only
Printed Last Name of Applicant Printed First Name of Applicant Printed Middle Name Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy)
Residence Street Address City State/ Zip Code
The information I have provided above on this certication is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Applicant’s Signature Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date
Printed Name & Title of School Ofcial or Home
Schooling Coordinator
Printed Name of School or Home School Organization Telephone Number
Address of School/Home School Organization City State/Zip Code
Signature of School Ofcial or Home Schooling Coordinator
The applicant’s information has been veried and I certify the information provided on this form is true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.