Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Schedule: 2 days/week for 18 weeks
Instructions: This curriculum guide provides one semester of instruction using the materials on If you choose to use this method, you do not need to use the lesson plans that are
included with each separate course. This guide incorporates all the content and assignments needed to meet all the
objectives on the Scope and Sequence. As you will see, it incorporates material from multiple courses and resources
and is hyperlinked to each one so that you can find them easily. Lists of additional materials and resources are also
provided. Please note that this is only one way to address the objectives for the year. We encourage you to find a
combination of materials, both on and off of our site, that best fits your family.
Resources needed:
For all weeks:
Corresponding lessons on
Journal for notetaking and research
For Week 3: Location with a crosswalk
For Week 4: Supplies for first aid kits
For Week 7: Ingredients for cupcakes or cookies; snack items to give to workers
For Week 13: Salt and a clean, flat surface
For Week 17: Access to a local grocery store
For Week 18: Ingredients for a popular ethnic recipe
In addition, we have other resources that can be used as supplemental material from our site.
Unit Studies and More: addresses basic rules of how to stay safe around fire, around water, while riding a
bike, while riding in a car, when home alone, etc.
Family Fitness: These homeschool fitness lessons and videos teach children the importance of movement
in keeping the muscles healthy.
Homeschool Physical Education Center: This can provide ideas and activities for the second semester of
the course.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Week 1: Fire Safety
Week 2: Water Safety
Week 3: Street Safety
Week 4: Basic First Aid
Week 5: Bleeding
Week 6: Poison Safety/Choking Prevention
Week 7: Hospitality
Week 8: Exercise, Part 1
Week 9: Exercise, Part 2
Week 10: Nourishing Nuggets Introduction
Week 11: Nutritional Building Blocks of Food
Week 12: Macronutrients
Week 13: Micronutrients
Week 14: WrapUp
Week 15: An Introduction to Family Nutrition
Week 16: Sources of Nutrition Information
Week 17: Vitamins and Deceptive Food Labels
Week 18: Can You Grow It Yourself?
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 1: Fire Safety
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lessons.”
Read Chapter One: Fire Safety, pp. 13.
With help from your family, choose a safe place outside of the home where you
and your family can meet in case an emergency occurs inside the house.
Read Hebrews 12:29 a few times, trying to commit it to memory.
Day 2 | Date:
Read page 4.
Use this worksheet to draw a map of your home along with an escape plan.
When finished, find an obvious spot in your house where you can post it on the
Make a poster to show what you have learned about fire safety.
Solidify Hebrews 12:29 in your memory and recite it to a parent or older sibling.
Week 2: Water Safety
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Two: Water Safety, pp. 56.
In your journal, write down all the ways you used water yesterday (washing
dishes, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, etc.).
Day 2 | Date:
Read page 7.
If you have not already taken swimming lessons, talk to your parents and ask if
they would allow you to take lessons in order to learn more about water safety.
Make a poster to illustrate water safety.
In your journal, think of potential dangers of water and write down how to
prevent them.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 3: Street Safety
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Three: Street Safety, pp. 8–9.
In your journal, define the boxed words provided at the top of page 8. Use a
dictionary or ask a parent if you do not know what the words mean.
Day 2 | Date:
Read page 10.
Match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions to complete the activity
on page 11.
Ask your parent to take you to a street where there is a crosswalk. Cross the
street while following all the safety precautions given in the lesson.
Week 4: Basic First Aid
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Four: Basic First Aid, page 12 and the top of page 13.
With help from an adult, brainstorm an emergency situation and pretend to call
911. The adult will act as the operator, and you will explain the situation
following the guidelines for calling 911. (Do not call 911 unless there is an actual
Day 2 | Date:
Read pp. 1314.
Using the list given in the lesson, assemble first aid kits for your family with help
from an adult. You can make one for the kitchen, the bathroom, the car, or as
many as you think you will need.
If possible, sign up for a first aid class in which you will learn CPR and the
Heimlich maneuver. If a class is not an option, ask a parent to show you videos
from the Internet about how to perform CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 5: Bleeding
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Five: Bleeding, stopping atHow to Stop a Nosebleed” on page 16.
Using one of the scenarios given in the lesson, teach a parent, sibling, or friend
about what to do in case of bleeding.
Day 2 | Date:
Complete the reading for Chapter Five.
Brainstorm a few situations in which someone is bleeding, and practice what y
would do in each instance.
Week 6: Poison Safety/Choking Prevention
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read the material provided under Chapter Six, Part 1: Poison Safety.
In your journal, define these words: poison and caution.
Make a poster with the phone number of the Poison Control Center on it.
Decorate it and place it in an obvious location in your house.
Make a poison collage. Draw a picture of a poison symbol and write Danger
under it. Use other images, in newspapers or magazines, of poisonous products
to glue onto the collage.
Day 2 | Date:
Read the material provided under Chapter Six, Part 2: Choking Prevention.
In your journal, define these words: trachea, gagging, Heimlich maneuver, choking
hazard, gasping, choking, and abdomen.
Research how the Heimlich maneuver got its name and record your findings in
your journal.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 7: Hospitality
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Seven: Hospitality pp. 2324.
As a family, invite a guest into your home for lunch. Make your house look
hospitable by using flowers and other table decorations and, of course, by
cleaning! Consider inviting older people in the church or struggling families.
Read 1 Peter 4:9 a few times, trying to commit it to your memory.
Day 2 | Date:
Read page 25.
Bake cupcakes or cookies and deliver them to one of your neighbors with a nice
note that says “Thinking of you,” or something similar.
Stock your fridge with some disposable water bottles and handy snacks that you
can give to workers who come to your home, such as the electrician,
garbageman, or plumber.
Solidify 1 Peter 4:9 in your memory and recite it to a parent or older sibling.
Week 8: Exercise, Part 1
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Chapter Eight: Exercise, Part 1, page 26.
Make a poster that emphasizes the benefits of exercise.
In your journal, brainstorm ten different activities that will help you to have more
Day 2 | Date:
Read page 27.
Plan out how you will get your sixty minutes of exercise each day. You can
exercise for a few minutes in between each school subject or exercise for longer
In your journal, begin recording how much you exercise. Write down everything,
like walking through the supermarket, mopping the kitchen floor, or emptying
the dishwasher.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 9: Exercise, Part 2
Read material and complete activities from the course Growing Healthy in Third Grade.
Day 1 | Date:
Read pp 2830.
Think about your favorite topics discussed in this class, and write down a short
list in your journal.
Day 2 | Date:
Measure your heart rate at rest and record it in your journal.
Do an anaerobic exercise and record your heart rate in your journal.
Do a moderate aerobic exercise and record your heart rate in your journal.
Do a vigorous aerobic exercise and record your heart rate in your journal.
Compare the different heart rates and write down any interesting thoughts you
may have.
Week 10: Nourishing Nuggets Introduction
Read material and complete activities from the course Nourishing Nuggets.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lesson One: Nourishing Nuggets Introduction.
Read through Lesson One.
Day 2 | Date:
Memorize Ecclesiastes 12:12 from your own personal Bible.
In your journal, write down five goals or subjects you would like to learn more
about during this course.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 11: Nutritional Building Blocks of Food
Read material and complete activities from the course Nourishing Nuggets.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lesson Two: Nutritional Building Blocks of Food.
Read through Lesson Two.
Study the vocabulary words at the bottom of page 2 for this week.
Ask yourself before you eat, Are the foods I’m eating building up my body?
Day 2 | Date:
In your journal, copy the review questions provided in the lesson, and then do
your best to come up with answers without looking at the material.
Once you have answered the questions, go back and check your responses,
making sure you understand everything you did not answer correctly.
Commit the vocabulary words for this week to your memory.
Ask yourself before you eat, Are the foods I’m eating building up my body?
Week 12: Macronutrients
Read material and complete activities from the course Nourishing Nuggets.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lesson Three: Macronutrients.
Read through Lesson Three.
Study the vocabulary words for this week.
Ask yourself before you eat, Am I eating the healthiest option available to me?
Day 2 | Date:
Commit the vocabulary words for this week to your memory.
Study the vocabulary from previous weeks.
Ask yourself before you eat, Is this a protein/fat/carb? What kind?If you do not
know, do some research and record your
answers in your journal.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 13: Micronutrients
Read material and complete activities from the course Nourishing Nuggets.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lesson Four: Micronutrients.
Pour out some salt onto a clean, flat plate or surface and examine it. Answer
these questions in your journal: What do you notice about the salt in front of
you?and How large are the particles?
Read through Lesson Four.
If desired, complete the Optional but helpfulactivity in the lesson.
Study the vocabulary words from previous weeks.
Day 2 | Date:
Follow the directions to complete the Project/Homework provided in the lesson.
You will be presenting your research findings in next week’s lesson.
In your journal, copy the review questions provided in the lesson and then do
your best to come up with answers without looking at the material.
Once you have answered the questions, go back and check your responses,
making sure you understand everything you did not answer correctly.
Week 14: WrapUp
Read material and complete activities from the course Nourishing Nuggets.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lesson Five: Wrapup.
Read the first paragraph of Lesson Five.
In front of your family or coop class, share what you have learned through the
Project/Homework that you completed last week.
Study the vocabulary words from previous weeks.
Day 2 | Date:
Read through the rest of Lesson Five.
In your journal, copy the review questions provided in the lesson and then do
your best to come up with answers without looking at the material.
Once you have answered the questions, go back and check your responses,
making sure you understand everything you did not answer correctly.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 15: An Introduction to Family Nutrition
Gather the necessary
ingredients for the muffins
that will be made on day 2.
Read material and complete activities from the course Family Nutrition.
Day 1 | Date:
Download Lessons 114 as a whole course download or each unit separately.
Read the first two pages of the text provided for Lesson One.
Take the Nutrition PreTest on the bottom of the second page. Make sure each
member of your family fills it out. When you grade them next week, think of a
special prize for the one who got the most answers correct!
Day 2 | Date:
Finish Lesson One by reading until the end of the lesson.
On the third page of Lesson One (Pineapple-Carrot Muffins), f
ollow the directions
in Step One: cut off the tops of your pineapple and carrots that will be used for
Step two, and plant them!
Follow the directions in Step Two: make some pineapplecarrot muffinsyum!
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 16: Sources of Nutrition Information
Read material and complete activities from the course Family Nutrition.
Day 1 | Date:
Scroll down to the bottom of the Lesson Two pages to the Test Answers and
grade the Nutrition Pretest from last week. Make sure you understand the
questions you answered incorrectly.
Read the first two pages of Lesson Two.
Read through the report mentioned on the first page of Lesson Two and write
five things you learned from the article in your journal.
Take a look at the poster supplied in the l
esson and write what you think about it
in your journal. Research and discover what price your local Mc
Donald’s charges
for their 20-
calorie side salad and what type of oil they use in cooking. Write these
in your journal as well.
Day 2 | Date:
Read Investigate Nutrient Content Yourself!on the third page of Lesson Two.
Use the Meal Builder: Follow the link and create a full meal, not caring about
health or calories. Then record the nutrient information in your journal and
create another meal. This time, try to be healthy in your choices, and record the
new nutrient information in your journal as well.
Finish Lesson Two by reading from What is Food Geography?until the end of
the lesson.
Do some online research to discover what types of crops grow well in your state
and surrounding areas. Then, think back on your most recent meal and
from where the crops came to provide you with that food. Record your findings
in your journal.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 17: Vitamins and Deceptive Food Labels
Read material and complete activities from the course Family Nutrition.
Day 1 | Date:
Read Lesson Three: Vitamins and Deceptive Food Labels, stopping at the Project
on page 3.
Follow the link in the lesson to read the CBS News article,
9 Foods You Think Are
Healthy But Aren’t.After finishing the article, check your pantry and refrigerator
to see if you have any of these items in the house.
Day 2 | Date:
Write in your journal any preconceived ideas you had regarding the healthy food
items you learned about last class and how the article changed your mind, if it
Finish Lesson Three by reading from PROJECTuntil the end of the lesson.
Complete the project by taking a trip to the grocery store and finding the health
food section. When you see an item that is advertised to be healthy, whether
promoting whole grains, high protein, or no added sugars, read the nutrition
facts and ingredients to discover how healthy these foods actually are. Record
your findings in your journal.
Third Grade Health Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Health Curriculum
Week 18: Can You Grow It Yourself?
Read material and complete activities from the course Family Nutrition.
Day 1 | Date:
Read the first part of Lesson Four, stopping after the list of Pros and Cons.
Make a list of things your family is willing to do in order to have a healthier diet
(for example, you could limit fast food to twice month or make a commitment to
stop buying candy in the checkout line). Under each option, write the pros and
cons that come with each new idea.
Read the next section of Lesson Four: What Is Food Culture?
Briefly research the different diets of the world. In your journal, write down the
diet you would most enjoy eating and the diet that seems to be the most healthy.
Day 2 | Date:
Choose a popular ethnic recipe from a country that incorporates either one of
the diets you chose last class and make this recipe for you and your family to
Finish Lesson Four by reading from Bugs for Dinner?
until the end of the lesson.
Follow the link to and read the article about the nutritious benefits of eating
bugs. Then write in your journal whether or not you would eat bugs for dinner!