YMCA Camp Wapsie / 2174 Wapsie Y Road Coggon, IA 52218 / F: 866.390.8490 / E: wapsieforms@crmetroymca.org
MEDICAL INFORMATION PAGE 2 Participant’s Name:___________________________________________________________________
PLEASE NOTE: If your participant has special health needs (including but not limited to: diabetes, cardiac illness, severe asthma, seizures, serious
behavioral issues, or severe allergies), you must contact the camp director for advance clearance. On a case-by-case basis, we consult with parent/
guardian and our camp health care provider to determine if accommodation and appropriate care is available.
(a response is needed for each)
Bleeding/Clotting Problems
*Please describe_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Describe any other significant PAST medical treatment or history__________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Describe any CURRENT physical, developmental, or psychological conditions requiring medication, treatment, special restrictions,
or considerations while at camp _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Is the participant presently under the care of a physician for any conditions? Yes No
Name and phone number of treating physician ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe any camp activities from which the participant should be exempt for health or developmental reasons:__________________________
Food Allergy:
Dairy Soy Eggs Peanuts Tree Nuts Fish Shellfish Wheat
Diet Accommodations: Please complete if your child has a food allergy or special diet and provide more information below
Special Diet: Vegetarian Vegan Gluten (Celiac) Gluten Sensitivity
ALLERGIES: LIST ALL KNOWN (Medications, food, environmental, etc.)
Check all that apply
airborne ingested
airborne ingested
Describe the reaction, severity, and a preferred response:
Please explain any other special diet needs or restrictions: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
COVID – 19 Vaccination Dates: 1
__________________ 2
________________________ Most Recent Booster____________________________
Please indicate date of last Tetanus Shot: Month____________________ Year ____________________________
As Guardian of the above-mentioned child, I attest my child has all up-to-date school-required immunizations. Yes No
This health history is accurate so far as I know and the above-stated person has my permission to visit and participate in all activities, except as noted above, at
YMCA Camp Wapsie. I hereby give permission for the camp staff to provide routine health care, administer prescribed and nonprescription medication, arrange
necessary transportation, seek emergency medical treatment, including X-rays, routine tests, injections and/or anesthesia and/or surgery, for camper named above. I
understand all precautions will be taken for camper care and supervision. I entrust care of my child to camp staff during their visit. Beyond this I will not hold camp
staff, Camp Wapsie or the YMCA responsible or liable.
By typing my name here I agree to the above information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Updated 2/2022