Application for Time to Pay Order (or to amend existing) Page 1 of 3
Application for Time to Pay Order
(or to amend existing)
Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices
Enforcement Act 1994 ss 21B, 21D and 32C, 34
GPO Box X2293 PERTH WA 6847
Phone: 1300 650 235 (from landlines) or
(08) 9235 0235 (from mobiles)
Fax: (08) 9425 7070
Email: ferttp@justice.wa.gov.au
Important: This is an application only and you should not begin driving until you receive written
confirmation from the Registrar that your application has been approved and your licence suspension has
been lifted. You may also be subject to other restrictions on your licence and are advised to check the status
of your licence with the Department of Transport.
To view your infringement(s) and/or court fine(s), make a payment, apply for an order or for more information
Means test over the page must be completed
If you have a fine/infringement that you don’t want added, list the case number/s:
NB: Any new fines/infringements registered with the Fines Enforcement Registry cannot
be automatically included in this order. If you wish to include newly registered matters
you will need to contact the Registry or complete a new application.
Time to Pay
Was your last Time to Pay Order cancelled due to non-payment?
Yes (you need to contact FER)
Never had a Time to Pay Order
Upfront Payment
Amount to be paid (in full) prior to processing: $ _____________
by applicant
• Pay the total amount due of
until the amount outstanding is paid in full.
Note: The Registrar may require further information in support of the amount offered.
If a Time to Pay Order is made I understand:
• that this Time to Pay Order does not lift any suspension, disqualification or cancellation
given to me by a Magistrate or Justice of the Peace;
• that if I want to make any changes to my Time to Pay Order, I must contact the Fines
Enforcement Registry;
• if I get new fines/infringements that are with the Fines Enforcement Registry I must
contact the Registry to have them added to this Time to Pay Order;
• that if I do not pay the agreed amounts on the due date:
1. My driver’s and/or any vehicle licences may be suspended;
2. I may incur additional fees on my fines/infringements;
Further action may occur to recover the amount outstanding.