ComDev/Handout Applications/Final Applications/Zoning Clearance for HBB - 1/23/2018 Page 2 of 3
Home-based businesses are allowed in residential zoning districts when operated in
compliance with the provisions of this subsection:
1. Operational standards. Home based businesses shall comply with the following
operating standards:
a. Location. The location of the business shall be the principal residence of the person
(s) conducting the business and shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the
property for residential purposes;
b. No alterations. Alterations shall not be made which would alter the character of the
residence or change its occupancy classification in compliance with the Building Code;
c. Signs. Advertising sign(s), displays of merchandise or stock in trade, or other
identification of the business activity shall not be provided on the premises;
d. Nuisance factors. The business shall not create levels of glare, light, noise, electri-
cal interference, dust, heat, order, solid waste, vibration, or other characteristics in excess
of that customarily associated with similar residential uses;
e. Residents only. Persons engaged in the business shall be limited to persons resid-
ing on the premises and one employee;
f. Size. The total floor area used for the business, including any area within accessory
structures, shall not exceed 20 percent of the total living space of the dwelling unit or 400
square feet, which ever is larger. The space devoted to non-commercial business vehicles
under one ton carrying capacity, parked in the garage, is excluded from the total floor area
devoted to the business;
g. Use to be enclosed. The business shall be conducted completely within the en-
closed living space of the residence or accessory structure. If the business is conducted
within a garage, the use shall not encroach within the required parking spaces for the resi-
dence. The vehicle door to the garage shall remain closed while the business activity is
being conducted;
h. No outside storage. Equipment, materials or products associated with the business
shall not be stored outdoors. Contractors are not permitted to store landscaping, plumb-
ing, electrical, construction or similar supplies or materials on the premises, except those
contained within a single vehicle of less than three-fourths ton carrying capacity;
i. Hazardous materials. The business shall not involve the storage or use of explo-
sive, flammable, or toxic materials specifically defined as hazardous materials;
j. Vehicle trips. The business shall not generate additional pedestrian or vehicular
trips in excess of the customarily associated with the zoning district in which it is to be lo-
cated. Clients, customers, patrons or students shall not visit or conduct business at the
residence. Truck deliveries of mail or packages are not permitted to average more than
two times per week; and
k. Sale and storage of merchandise. Merchandise, products or stock-in-trade shall not
be sold upon the premises, and stock used by the business that is not customary to a
residence shall be stored at an off-site location (e.g., storage facility or other nonresidential
location). Required parking spaces shall be kept clear and used only for the parking of
vehicles owned by persons residing on the premises.