Your Civil Marriage Ceremony in Edinburgh
Your marriage ceremony would normally follow the structure shown below.
This can be personalised through the selection of options detailed within.
You will find a form at the rear of the booklet which relates directly to each
section of the ceremony, please detach this form & return if applicable.
Welcome / Introduction
Identification* & Declarations to be made
Reading (if chosen)
Definition of Marriage
Paperwork Preliminaries
Reading (if chosen)
Consent to Declarations
Declarations* / Vows
Exchange of Rings
Signing of Schedule
*Can not be removed completely from ceremony
Readings, poems etc. may be chosen by you for a guest or guests to
Religious content is permissible but cannot be delivered by the
Registrar or incorporated in to sections marked with an asterisk above.
Our readings booklet, if not already enclosed, is available upon request.
Welcome / Introduction
Usual Wording
Good morning/afternoon and welcome to …venue’s name……
My name is ……………….. and I have been authorised by the Registrar
General for Scotland to conduct civil marriage ceremonies in the District of
We are here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of
.….....…. and .….....….
Through their words during this ceremony they shall be entering into the
commitment of marriage, and, through your presence as witnesses and
guests you will be expressing your support for them.
Optional Wording
A: May I ask you as ..........’s ....escort*... that you do consent to him/her
being married here today? Thank you, would you please also be
seated. (*father / brother / mother etc.)
B: May I ask you to confirm you are ........................... and as legal
witnesses to this wedding that you do consent this union taking place?
C: Marriage is a defining moment in any couples life; a sign of the depth of
their commitment to each other and an important occasion , which
we’ve been invited to share with them
D: Family and friends, we welcome you today to witness the marriage of
.......... & ........ . You have been part of, and contributed to, their lives
and by sharing today with them you will be part of their future.
E: Welcome to the marriage of .......... & ......... . Today is a special day for
them as they will join together in marriage supported by those who care
for them. Your presence here as they affirm a life long commitment to
each other signifies your importance in their lives.
F: If your venue or date of marriage has any particular significance to you
and you wish to incorporate this into your ceremony, please provide
these details when completing the form at the rear of this booklet.
Identification & Declarations to be made
Usual Wording
Before I proceed with this civil marriage ceremony the law requires that I must
ask both the parties to the marriage to formally identify themselves in my
presence and in the presence of their witnesses.
Therefore, ….....… can you now confirm that your name is…………………
Therefore, ….....… can you now confirm that your name is…………………
Today’s ceremony shall be carried out in accordance with the Marriage
(Scotland) Act 1977. Under this particular act, to be married, a couple are
required to make certain declarations.
Firstly they will declare that they know of no legal impediment to their
marriage. In other words they will both declare that there is no reason why
they should not be joined in marriage. Secondly they must declare their true
and mutual consent to the marriage. They do this by accepting each other as
partners in marriage to the exclusion of all others. When these declarations
are made in the correct manner, this creates a valid, legal marriage.
Optional Wording
A: In addition to making the declarations required by law, ......... & .........
shall also exchange vows, chosen by themselves as words that have a
special meaning to them, which they wish to share here in the
presence of you all.
B: ......... & ......... have also written their own personal vows which they
will make to one another in our presence later in the ceremony.
C: Further words close to the heart of our couple shall come from
readings selected by them for .......... & .......... to say shortly.
D: In addition to the words which our couple will say today, .......... &
.......... have also chosen some words to share with us shortly.
Definition of Marriage
Usual Wording
…......…. & …......., it is my duty to remind you of the binding character of
the declarations you are about to make, marriage according to the laws of this
country is the voluntary union of two people, for the duration of their lives, to
the exclusion of all others.
Optional Wording (multiple or merged options are acceptable)
A: A successful marriage is one where each partner discovers that it is
better to give love than to receive it. To truly love another person is to
wish that person to develop and flourish in his or her own terms.
B: Marriage joins two people who trust the love they have found. It is a
partnership in which each can grow and be true to themselves, whilst
sharing in the development of each other. It is a statement to all those
around them, of something the two of them already know, that they
have found such love friendship and support that they want to share
the rest of their lives together.
C: Marriage is more than words or ceremony. It is a commitment to be
reaffirmed each and every day. You can make your marriage a living
thing. It will be the two of you who begin every day by making choices.
To express caring or avoiding it; to reveal love or to be too busy; to
acknowledge respect and to take joy from one another or build walls;
and through those daily choices, to renew the wedding vows you will
make today.
D: Marriage means making a commitment to each other, it means
developing and maintaining affection, co-operation, friendship and
mutual respect.
It calls for honesty, patience, trust and humour. It requires both
closeness and distance, the closeness of a couple growing together
and sufficient distance to allow each other to grow as an individual.
E: In marriage you give of yourself freely and generously into the hands of
the one you love. The trust you share is a precious gift to be treasured.
Today you are affirming your love for each other, acknowledging that
you are stronger together than you are apart and that you wish to share
all life's joys and challenges together.
F: Marriage is a precious gift, a lifelong dedication and a daily challenge.
Look for the best in each other, let your love be stronger than your
anger and remember that true friendship is the basis for a lasting
Definition of Marriage continued
G: Marriage respects that you are two separate people with different ideas
and dreams. You don’t belong to each other but with each other.
Marriage means sharing your good fortunes as well as the bad,
conquering any problems and facing life together with confidence in
your love for each other.
H: Your own words drafted on what marriage means to you both
Paperwork Preliminaries
Usual Wording
To be here today, you have been required to lodge written notice of your
intention to marry with my office. This notice period is now complete and no
impediments to your marriage have been found to exist.
Your names and intention to marry have been displayed for the statutory
period within my office and you will be pleased to hear, that no objections
have been lodged.
The legalities complete …....... and …......…. now wish to affirm their
relationship in a formal and public pledge, offering each other the security that
comes from legally binding vows, sincerely made and faithfully kept.
Optional Wording
A: Your own drafted words This is an ideal section of the ceremony to
share a story with your guests of how you both met, your first date or
perhaps of the marriage proposal.
Consent to Declarations
Usual Wording
We are not here simply as an audience today, the presence of all of you to
witness this event is important to …......…. and …......…..
Also we are not present to hear recited words, we are here to listen to the
making of sincere pledges.
…......…. are you ready without reservation to make both your declarations
that will join you in marriage to …......…..
…......…. are you ready without reservation to make both your declarations
that will join you in marriage to …......…..
Optional Wording
A: It is at this stage of the ceremony that I must ask you, are you both
ready, without reservation, to make the required declarations which will
join you in marriage here today?
B: ....making of sincere pledges which, while including the legally required
wording, will also contain vows which .............. and ............. have
composed themselves to exchange at this moment in their lives.
C: The marriage ceremony provides an opportunity to bring together
friends and family in one place to bestow the message of love and
commitment and for everyone to celebrate the happiness of the
married couple.
D: ........... , will you ask ........... if he/she will be your husband/wife
i.e. will you be my husband/wife & let me love you for the rest of our lives?
..........., will you ask ........... if he/she will be your husband/wife
i.e. will you be my husband/wife & let me love you for the rest of our lives?
E: Your own drafted wording, consenting to proceed to the declarations
Declarations / Vows
Usual Wording - No Impediment declaration
…......…. please repeat after me:
I …………………….. / do solemnly and sincerely declare /
that I know of no legal impediment / to my marrying………………….
…......…. please repeat after me:
I …………………….. / do solemnly and sincerely declare /
that I know of no legal impediment / to my marrying………………….
Usual Wording Accepting Spouse declaration*
Your second declaration today is where you shall accept each other in
marriage, please now turn and face each other and join both your hands
…......…. please make this declaration to .............:
I solemnly and sincerely declare / that I …………accept you …………
/ as my lawful wedded husband/wife / to the exclusion of all others
…......…. please make this declaration to ..............:
I solemnly and sincerely declare / that I …………accept you …………
/ as my lawful wedded husband/wife / to the exclusion of all others
Declarations / Vows continued
Optional Wording
(would be added to Spouse declarationmultiple/merged options acceptable)
A: I promise to Love, Honour and Respect you / In Sickness and in Health
For Richer for Poorer / For Better for Worse / And upon this Promise,
I will base our Marriage
B: Before these witnesses, this is my promise /
To treasure and take care of the special love we have together /
To grow with you and respect your ideas and expressions /
To always talk with you / and share our happy times and our sad times
C: I promise loyalty and friendship /
And to love you with all that I am and all that I can /
This I promise you from the depths of my heart and mind /
For all our life together
D: Do you promise that you will always protect this woman/man with your
utmost care / That you will honour and cherish her/him in sickness
and in health / For richer for poorer and in all things you will be to
her/him a faithful, loving husband/wife?
E: ........will you love honour and cherish ........ in good times and in bad /
do you promise to stay true to her/him for the rest of your lives?
F: I promise to be honest with you / to be sensitive to your needs / to
support and love you / and cherish you always / I choose to spend my
life with you
G: Your own vows drafted personally and delivered to one another without
repeating after the registrar. Prompt cards/written notes are
recommended. A copy of your vows should be submitted in advance
for our information.
The “I do” alternative
If you are nervous about speaking before your guests and anticipate
the repetition of the declarations will be a problem for you, the
Registrar could read the declarations to you in the form of a question,
to which you may answer simply “I do”.
Additional ceremony elements
Should you wish to incorporate traditional elements such as unity
candles, unity sand blending etc to your ceremony please discuss this
with the Registrar in advance.
Exchange of Rings
Usual Wording
Their commitment made to each other, our couple have chosen to give and
receive wedding ring(s) as a symbol of the marriage they now enter.
......... place the ring over .......... finger and repeat after me
This ring is given / as a token of the declarations (and vows) / I have made
here today
......... place the ring over ........... finger and repeat after me
This ring is given / as a token of the declarations (and vows) / I have made
here today
Optional Wording (multiple or merged options are acceptable)
A: Traditionally, the passage to the status of being married is marked by
the exchange of rings. These rings are a symbol of the unbroken circle
of love freely given, they like your love has no beginning and no end.
May these rings always remind you of the declarations you have made
to each other.
B: I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage /
All that I am, I give to you / all that I have, I share with you /
For the whole of our life together
C: I give you this ring / as a token of my love /
and as a symbol of our marriage today
D: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love /
Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side /
As I join my life to yours as your friend and husband/wife
E: With this ring I offer you my hand my heart and my love always
F: This ring is given as a pledge of my everlasting love for you
G: As a circle these rings know no end. May your love for each other be
endless and may the rings remind you of today and the joy you feel in
this moment.
H: Your own drafted wording, to use at the ring exchange
Usual Wording
You have now both entered a solemn and binding contract and by virtue of
these declarations made in my presence and in the presence of your
I have pleasure in pronouncing you husband/wife and husband/wife.
You may kiss.
Optional Wording
A: I have pleasure in pronouncing you husband/wife and husband/wife,
partners in marriage from this day onwards - You may kiss.
B: By virtue of the declarations (and vows) made in my presence as an
authorised Registrar/Assistant Registrar of Marriages, before these
witnesses, I declare you ......... and you ......... are now joined together
in matrimony in accordance with law - You may kiss.
C: May your home be a haven and your relationship be truthful and
honest. May all your hopes be fulfilled and your life together be one of
love and contentment.
D: Today we celebrate your union. May you have each others love
unconditionally for the rest of your lives.
E: May the challenges life throws at you make your marriage stronger.
May you always be each others best friend and greatest love.
F: Your own drafted wording, to use at the pronouncement.
Your Civil Marriage Ceremony in Edinburgh
Name_______________________ & Name_________________________
Venue________________________________ Date________________________
Please complete and return with your Marriage Notice Forms if possible, but
not less than 14 days prior to your wedding, only if you wish to make
Welcome / Introduction
A: B: C: D: E:
F: Your own wording
Identification & Declarations to be made
A: B: C: D:
Definition of marriage (multiple or merged options are acceptable)
A: B: C: D: E: F: G:
H: Your own wording
Paperwork preliminaries
A: Your own wording
Continued overleaf /
Consent to Declarations
A: B: C: D:
E: Your own wording
Declarations* / Vows (multiple or merged options are acceptable)
A: B: C: D: E: F:
G: Your own wording
The "I do" Alternative Additional Please state
Exchange of Rings (multiple or merged options are acceptable)
A: B: C: D: E: F: G:
H: Your own wording
A: B: C: D: E:
F: Your own wording