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Please mark below the standard service that relates to your development proposals along with any optional
additional services required. For extra meetings, please indicate the quantity of extra one hour meetings
required by inserting a number in the box. Please consult the Customer Service Guide for more information on
each service. If you are unclear about which level of service applies to your development, please contact
preapplicationadvice@edinburgh.gov.uk to confirm.
Local development (small) (up to 11 homes / up to 999m
commercial/other space)
Standard service (desktop review by case officer)
{Additional} One hour meeting with case officer
Local development (medium) (12 to 49 homes / 1,000m
to 9,999m
of class 4, 5, or 6 space / 1,000m
to 4,999m
of mixed or other space)
Standard service (2x one hour meetings with case officer)
{Additional} Accompanied site visit by case officer
{Additional} Extra one hour meeting with case officer and services
{Additional} Guidance on detailed information required for application
Major or national development (criteria per the Hierarchy of Developments (Scotland) Regulations
2009 e.g. 2+ hectare site / 50+ homes / 10,000m
+ of class 4, 5, or 6 space / 5,000m
+ of mixed or
other space).
Pre-position discussion only (NB: no additional services can be added)
Standard service (5x meetings with case officer inc. key consultee meeting)
{Additional} Extra one hour meeting with case officer and services
{Additional} Guidance on detailed information required for application
How will payment be made?
Does your development relate primarily to
improving access for people with disabilities?
Please email this form and any accompanying documents to preapplicationadvice@edinburgh.gov.uk
Please include as an email attachment (in PDF format, maximum 10 MB) a location plan with the site outlined
in red and any known environmental constraints (e.g. existing trees, levels, and water management issues)
indicated (1:1,250 or 1:2,500 scale). If available, please also provide a block plan (1:500 or 1:250 scale);
existing/proposed elevations (1:100 or 1:50 scale); existing/proposed floor plans (1:100 or 1:50 scale); and an
outline design/access statement. The more information provided, the more comprehensive the advice will be.