Chapter 4: The Geography and History of Europe 33
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Chapter 4: The Geography and History of Europe
Vocabulary: Know the Terms
Directions: Write the correct term on the line that best matches the definition or example.
European Union Germanic language Romance language monotheism patriotism
New Testament pantheon Judaism Crusades Torah
______________________ 1. Deutsche, the language primarily spoken in Berlin
______________________ 2. French, Italian, and Spanish belong to this family of languages
______________________ 3. The Holy Book of Judaism
______________________ 4. The ancient religion of the Hebrews
______________________ 5. The Holy Wars
______________________ 6. Belief in One God
______________________ 7. Includes the Gospels of Jesus Christ and many letters from Paul
______________________ 8. Economic and political organization to promote peace in Europe
Directions: Write a sentence using each term in context.
9. Slavic language
10. Islam
11. Quran
12. Scramble for Africa
Continued on next page.