Endang Species Res
Vol. 12: 7786, 2010
doi: 10.3354/esr00296
Published online June 30
The reproductive fitness of sea turtle females largely
depends on their selection of nesting beach and the
quality and timing of their nesting activities (Miller
1997). During incubation, the nests are affected by bi-
otic factors such as predation (Eckrich & Owens 1995)
and microorganism decomposers (Madden et al. 2008),
and abiotic factors such as temperature and moisture
(Ackerman 1997), density-dependent factors (Honar-
var et al. 2008) and respiratory gas fluxes (Wallace et
al. 2004). Of all these factors, temperature plays a criti-
cal role in embryo development (Miller 1985). When
incubated at a constant temperature, sea turtle embryo
development occurs within a thermal tolerance range
(TTR) of 2527 to 3335°C, above or below which em-
bryo development is impaired (Ackerman 1997). Like
crocodiles and many other reptiles, sea turtles exhibit
temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD; Yn-
tema & Mrosovsky 1980, Janzen & Paukstis 1991),
which is characterized by the exclusive production of a
single sex below (male) or above (female) a transitional
range of temperatures (TRT; Mrosovsky 1994, Wibbels
2003). Within the TRT, sex production is variable and
© Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com*Email: roldan.valverde@selu.edu
Field lethal incubation temperature of olive
ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea
embryos at a mass nesting rookery
Roldán A. Valverde
, Susanna Wingard
, Flor Gómez
Mark T. Tordoir
, Carlos M Orrego
Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana 70402, USA
Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Perú
Department of Environmental Sciences, Van Hall Institute, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
ABSTRACT: Hatching success in olive ridley mass nesting arribada beaches is typically low. We con-
ducted a short study to understand whether incubation temperature in dry months accounts for
exceedingly low hatching success at Ostional Beach, Costa Rica, a mass nesting rookery. We mea-
sured in situ incubation temperatures in nests from 4 arribadas recorded in October to December
2008, and January 2009. Mean incubation temperatures for all months exceeded the upper lethal
limit of 35°C, and no nests produced hatchlings when incubated at this or higher temperatures.
Embryo development was inversely related to mean incubation temperature. Hatching success was
low (2%) for the study period, and only 5 of 37 marked nests produced hatchlings. Mean incubation
temperature for successful nests was <35°C. Since incubation temperatures of 32°C and higher
recorded during the gonadal thermosensitive period were above the mean pivotal temperature of
30.5°C, the few hatchlings produced were presumably female. Incubation temperatures were signif-
icantly higher during the second and third trimesters of incubation during all months as a result of
metabolic heating. However, during January to March when embryos did not develop, higher incu-
bation temperatures of in situ nests relative to controls indicated that heating was a result of micro-
bial activity associated with egg decomposition. Our study demonstrates that after the onset of the
dry season, incubation temperatures at this beach become lethal.
KEY WORDS: Olive ridley · Lepidochelys olivacea · Ostional · Incubation temperature · Precipitation ·
Thermal tolerance range · Field lethal temperature · Arribada · Mass nesting
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher
Endang Species Res 12: 7786, 2010
relative to incubation temperature and includes a
pivotal temperature (PT) where the sex ratio is 1:1
(Mrosovsky & Pieau 1991). PTs may vary inter- and
intra-specifically, which implies that temperature-
related studies need to be conducted at a population
level (Wibbels 2003). Turtle sex is determined during a
gonadal thermosensitive period (Mrosovsky & Pieau
1991), which occurs in the second trimester of embryo
development (Merchant-Larios et al. 1997). Studies
have shown that the mean PT for olive ridley arribada
populations nesting on Costa Rican Pacific northwest
coast is 30.5°C, the highest among sea turtles (McCoy
et al. 1983, Wibbels et al. 1998). These characteristics
make embryo development under high nest density
conditions vulnerable to changes in environmental
temperature, especially when incubation temperatures
fluctuate around the PT, where a change of 3°C or less
may result in the exclusive production of a single sex
(Ewert et al. 1994, Wibbels 2003). Thus, understanding
the relationship between incubation temperature, de-
velopmental stage and hatchling sex ratios is crucial
for effective sea turtle conservation and management.
Olive ridley sea turtles Lepidochelys olivacea, and to
a lesser extent the Kemp’s ridley L. kempii, are unique
in that in addition to nesting in solitary fashion like
other sea turtles, many females also aggregate and ar-
rive synchronously over a period of a few nights to nest
by the thousands to tens of thousands on a small section
of beach during events known as arribadas (Bernardo &
Plotkin 2007). Large arribadas surpassing 50 000 fe-
males per event are known to occur at Gahirmatha and
Rushikulya in India (Pandav et al. 1994, Shanker et al.
2004), at La Escobilla in Mexico (Márquez-M. et al.
1996), and at Ostional in Costa Rica (Richard & Hughes
1972), with smaller arribadas occurring elsewhere on
Eastern Pacific beaches (Bernardo & Plotkin 2007). The
vast majority, 98 to 99%, of the annual female nesting
population is estimated to lay eggs at these arribada
sites (Abreu-Grobois & Plotkin 2008). Although produc-
tion potential is extremely high at these beaches, the
aggregation of individuals on the beach and near shore
during these events makes populations vulnerable to
anthropogenic threats such as egg poaching (Cornelius
et al. 2007) and incidental capture of adults and juve-
niles by fisheries (Arauz et al. 1998, 1999, Frazier et al.
2007). In addition, developing turtle eggs at these
beaches are also subject to high natural mortality due
to density-dependent factors (Bernardo & Plotkin 2007).
This has both ecological and conservation implications
concerning the importance of arribada beaches for the
long term survival of this species, currently listed as
vulnerable by the IUCN Red List (Abreu-Grobois &
Plotkin 2008).
High nest densities alone at arribada beaches are cor-
related with low hatching success (Honarvar et al.
2008). Additionally, natural embryo mortality is high
during arribadas due to excavation of previously laid
nests by later nesting females (Cornelius et al. 1991). It
is this high loss of eggs that led Costa Rican authorities
to legitimize a large-scale egg extraction and market-
ing program in which Ostional villagers collect as many
eggs as possible during the first 36 h of each arribada to
sell in the domestic market (Campbell 1998, Hope 2002,
Campbell et al. 2007). Biologically, the large number of
broken eggs fosters microbial populations on the
beach, which use oxygen, in addition to that being con-
sumed by the many developing embryos (Madden et al.
2008). PO
is lower and incubation temperatures are
higher in high density nests compared to low density
nests as a result of microbial and embryo respiration
and metabolic heating (Clusella-Trullas & Paladino
2007, Honarvar et al. 2008). The extent of the influence
of metabolic (embryonic and microbial) activity on in-
cubation temperatures in areas with high nest density
is poorly understood. However, mass mortality of ridley
embryos during the dry, hot season has been suspected
for years at Ostional (Cornelius et al. 1991). Accord-
ingly, our main objective was to determine whether dry
season incubation temperatures are lethal to olive rid-
ley embryos at Ostional Beach, a mass nesting beach.
Study site. Field work was conducted at Ostional
Beach (9° 59’ 46’ N, 85° 42’ 13’ W), Costa Rica (Fig. 1)
from late October 2008 to early March 2009. This dark
Fig. 1. Ostional Beach, Costa Rica. Sections (Rayo 14 and
main nesting beach [MNB]) in which the beach was divided
to facilitate the work. Typically, large arribadas occur at
MNB, although in large events as in 2008, the phenomenon
may be spread over the entire beach
Valverde et al.: Lethal incubation temperature of ridley sea turtle embryos
sand beach is located within the Ostional Wildlife
Refuge and measures 3.9 km in length. The region ex-
hibits fairly well marked climate conditions with a rainy
season that normally extends from May to November
and a dry season that extends from December to April.
The beach is divided into 5 sections and each section is
divided into subsections marked with posts every 50 m,
which are located on the vegetation line. These sections
are Rayo 1 (posts 117), Rayo 2 (posts 1829), Rayo 3
(posts 3040), Rayo 4 (posts 4159) and main nesting
beach (MNB; posts 6078). Arribadas tend to concen-
trate on the main nesting beach. Only during large ar-
ribadas do nesting females crowd the beach to such an
extent that the arribada encompasses most of the avail-
able beach sections. Arribadas peak in the rainy season
(August to December), with the September, October
and November arribadas being usually the largest, sig-
nificantly decreasing in abundance the rest of the year
(Cornelius 1986). Ostional Beach typically supports on
average 11 arribadas each year and ranks second be-
hind La Escobilla among the largest arribada assem-
blages, with between 50 000 and 200 000 nesting fe-
males per arribada (Plotkin 2007). Using the strip
transect in time method (Valverde & Gates 1999), arrib-
adas in 2008 were estimated to fluctuate between an
average of 117 996 ± 9395 females (mean ± SE; Septem-
ber to November; n = 2) and an average of 8101 ± 3573
(January to July; n = 9) (R. A. Valverde unpubl.).
Precipitation and nest and sand temperatures. Daily
precipitation (mm) was recorded every morning
(07:00 h) with a precipitation gauge throughout the study
period. In situ nests were selected during the arribadas
of October 2830, November 2123, and December
2123 of 2008 and during January 2223, 2009. Nest
selection was conducted by choosing any female laying
eggs in the open beach between the high tide mark and
the vegetation line, which is the area of the beach most
used by olive ridleys. Newly purchased HOBO pendant
temperature data loggers (Onset Computer, UA-001-08,
accuracy: ±0.5°C, resolution: 0.1°C, according to manu-
facturer) were inserted into the center of each nest with-
out disturbing the egg-laying process. Once nesting fe-
males began to fill the nest cavity, the turtles were
removed so the nest could be covered and protected
from subsequent nesters. Each nest was covered with a
40 × 40 × 25 cm wire mesh cage. From Day 40 of the incu-
bation period, each nest was monitored daily for signs of
neonate emergence and cages were either lifted or
removed upon sighting of a hatchling. Nests were ex-
humed 3 d after the last observed neonate emerged,
~50 d from oviposition. No live embryos were observed
in the nests during exhumation.
Control data loggers were buried in the sand (>1 m
distance from nests) and set to record sand tempera-
ture throughout the entire incubation period of the
respective arribada nests at a depth equal to that of the
center of an average nest (30 to 35 cm). All data loggers
were programmed to collect temperature data every
2 h. Recording consistency and accuracy of data log-
gers were ensured by placing all sensors in a bag
simultaneously and keeping them in a shaded room to
record air temperature for a period of 38 h (recordings
included 2 night periods).
Nest development and hatching success. Upon ex-
humation, data loggers were retrieved and the develop-
mental stage in each egg was recorded for all nests. Eggs
were classified into developmental stages according to
Chacón et al. (2007): Stage 0 (no apparent embryonic de-
velopment), Stage I (embryo fills 1 to 25% of amniotic
cavity), Stage II (2650%), Stage III (5175%), Stage IV
(76100%), Stage V (empty egg shells from hatched tur-
tles). Eggs with indeterminable development were clas-
sified as ‘unknown stage of development’ (USD). Given
the relatively few marked nests with data loggers, we
decided to increase the sample size of nests in the study
by excavating additional 1 m
plots (10 m due north or
south of each study nest) concurrent with exhumations of
the study nests from October and November 2008. The
number of nests and each egg’s developmental stage
was recorded for each 1 m
Data analysis. Data from nest and control data log-
gers were downloaded and converted to spreadsheets
using HOBOware Pro 2.7.3. Temperature recordings of
data loggers were checked for consistency by testing
the hypothesis that the individual readings were no
different from the mean by running a χ
test for each of
the time points over a 38 h period (Fig. 2). No signifi-
cant differences were found.
Time (h)
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 2. Mean (±SE) air temperature and upper and lower con-
fidence intervals (95%) observed in all data loggers (n = 21)
kept in the shade for 38 h. Black bars on x-axis: scotophase.
Individual logger temperatures were not significantly differ-
ent from their respective mean (χ
= 45.31, df = 20, p < 0.001)
Endang Species Res 12: 7786, 2010
Daily mean incubation temperatures were calcu-
lated for the incubation period for all nests and con-
trols. Monthly and trimester mean incubation tempera-
tures were also calculated. Hatching success was
calculated for each nest as: (empty egg shells)/(total
number of eggs) × 100%. Data analysis was conducted
with Systat 10.2 using a 2-sample t-test, 2-way
ANOVA, and regression analyses. For all tests,
α = 0.05. After completing a preliminary analysis, we
reviewed our data and found no outliers. We tested the
residuals for normality using a 1-sample KS test with
Lilliefor’s option and homogeneity of variance, and fit a
model by analyzing the plot of residuals against pre-
dicted values.
In general, monthly average precipitation was 3.69,
2.13, 0.08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.10 mm d
for the months of
October to April, respectively. Specifically, precipita-
tion throughout the incubation period (October 29 to
March 8) was low on average with 1.25 mm d
. Of the
131 d in the study period, 118 d (90%) were without
precipitation and total precipitation for that period was
158.10 mm. Rainfall, when it occurred, only exceeded
3 mm on 3 occasions in the entire study period:
November 9 (52 mm) and 30 (57 mm), and December 1
(33 mm). Overall, the dry season started a month early
with November precipitation being lower than its
mean precipitation for the period 19952007 (Fig. 3).
This precipitation and associated cloudiness led to rel-
atively abrupt and brief decreases in mean incubation
temperature of 1.5, 2 and 1.3°C, respectively (Fig. 4).
No historical records for air temperature were avail-
able for the area.
Nest temperatures
A total of 42 data loggers were deployed in arribada
nests during the study. Loggers were placed in nests
distributed throughout the beach (Rayo 1 to MNB)
between the high tide and away from vegetation and
estuaries, which represents the bulk of the incubation
environment in Ostional. Due to logistic problems, we
were able to record incubation temperatures from only
37 nests. Excluded from analyses were data loggers
that could not be relocated (December, n = 2), prema-
turely stopped recording, did not record any data
(November, n = 2), or were excavated by raccoons
(January, n = 1). Daily mean (±SE) incubation temper-
atures are shown in Fig. 4. The mean incubation tem-
perature for October nests was 35.90°C (mean mini-
mum and maximum: 34.17 and 37.66°C, respectively;
n = 8), for November was 35.67°C (32.9938.16°C; n =
19), for December was 35.39°C (34.2337.06°C; n = 6),
and for January nests it was 37.58°C (36.8538.26°C;
n = 4). Incubation period lasted about 47 d, which is
when the last hatchling was observed.
The total range in recorded temperatures for the
entire study period was 17.49°C (min. = 25.03°C,
Time (mo)
Jun DecAug Oct Feb Apr
Precipitation (mm)
Fig. 3. Mean (±SE) total monthly precipitation recorded at
Nosara Beach (adjacent to study site; gray bars) for 1995
2007 and total precipitation at Ostional Beach (dark bars)
for 20082009. Data shows the dry season (DecMar) and
rainy season (MayNov). November 2008 (
) was drier than
Incubation day
Mean incubation temperature (°C)
Oct (n = 8)
Nov (n = 19)
Dec (n = 6)
Jan (n = 4)
52 mm
57 mm
57 mm
Fig. 4. Mean (±SE) daily incubation temperatures for nests
laid during arribadas of Oct, Nov, and Dec 2008, and Jan
2009. Days with precipitation >3 mm are annotated. PT =
mean pivotal temperature; FLT = field lethal temperature
Valverde et al.: Lethal incubation temperature of ridley sea turtle embryos
max. = 42.52°C; both temperatures recorded in Octo-
ber nesters). Mean daily nest temperatures ranged
from 28.41°C in November to 40.14°C in January.
Incubation temperature was not related to the beach
sector where nests were laid, as there was no signifi-
cant relationship between mean incubation tempera-
ture and nest location by beach section. Study nests
in adjacent sections of beach exhibited mean temper-
atures that differed by 0.30 to 2.68°C, indicating that
the thermal microenvironment was heterogeneous.
Mean incubation temperatures in nests laid in Janu-
ary were significantly higher than in all other
months, 37.58°C compared to 35.68°C, respectively
(F = 6.02 p = 0.00083, Fig. 5B). Ranges in mean tem-
peratures between clutches was 5.17°C for nests laid
during the November arribada, the month with the
greatest inter-nest temperature variability as well as
lowest mean incubation temperature in a nest
(32.99°C). Mean incubation temperatures were most
uniform among nests laid during the January arrib-
ada (range of 1.42°C). One January nest had the
highest mean incubation temperature of 38.26°C.
Nest temperatures generally increased throughout
the incubation period. Mean incubation temperatures
for the second (36.11°C) and third (36.97°C) tri-
mesters were significantly higher than in the first
(34.57°C, F = 9.75, p = 0.00014; Fig. 5A). Incubation
temperatures <35°C, the upper limit of the TTR
(Ackerman 1997), only occurred in the first trimesters
of nests laid in November (33.74°C) and December
(34.70°C). Though no month had mean temperatures
below the upper lethal limit of 35°C, several nests
laid in October (n = 2), November (n = 5), and De-
cember (n = 3) had mean temperatures <35°C. Mean
daily temperatures exceeded 35°C for an average
69% of the incubation period of all nests (30.95 d,
95% confidence interval [CI
] 26.78 to 35.12 d;
means and SE are reported in figures to increase fig-
ure clarity), and mean temperatures for all nests laid
in January exceeded 35°C throughout the entire
incubation period.
Control temperatures
Temperatures in controls (Fig. 6) increased signifi-
cantly toward the end of the study period. Mean tem-
peratures in January controls (36.14°C, CI
34.50 to
37.27°C) were significantly higher than those in
November (34.09°C, CI
32.63 to 35.55°C; 2-sample
t-test, t = 2.85, p = 0.017).
Nest versus control temperatures
Mean incubation temperatures from nests laid in
November (35.67°C, CI
34.91 to 36.43°C) were
significantly higher than their respective controls
(34.10°C, CI
32.63 to 35.55°C, t = 2.193, p = 0.039).
Temperatures within nests were on average 1.57°C
warmer than those in controls. The difference in-
creased with each trimester, with nests being 0.66,
1.76, and 2.23°C warmer than controls for the first to
third trimesters, respectively (Fig. 6A). There was a
significant difference between mean temperatures
in controls (36.14°C, CI
35.0037.27°C) and in nests
(37. 58°C, CI
36.4538.70°C) laid in January
(Fig. 6B; t = 2.320, p = 0.049). January nests were on
average 1.47°C warmer than controls, though they did
not become increasingly warmer throughout the incu-
bation period (1.32, 1.26, and 1.79°C, for the first to
third trimesters, respectively).
Incubation trimester
1st 2nd 3rd
Mean incubation temperature (°C)
Time of oviposition (month)
Oct Nov Dec Jan
Fig. 5. Mean (±SE) incubation temperature per (A) trimester and (B) month of oviposition. Mean temperatures were significantly
higher during 2nd and 3rd trimesters and during the entire incubation period for nests laid in January (pairwise comparison,
Bonferroni adjusted means). Lowercase letters above bars indicate significant differences at 95% level of confidence. See Fig. 4
for definitions
Endang Species Res 12: 7786, 2010
Embryo development and hatching success in study
Of the 37 nests with usable data loggers, 16 nests ex-
hibited no development. Hatching rates for study nests
were 2.14% (19 of 889 eggs) for October, 2.54% (44 of
1646 eggs) for November, 1.72% (10 of 580 eggs) for
December, and 0% (0 of 439) for January, for an overall
hatching rate of 2% (73 hatchlings out of 3554 eggs).
In order to study the effect of incubation temperature
on embryo development, we staged the embryos from
all nests with data loggers. Given the large number of
eggs in each plot, we used a simple staging table in
which embryos were divided in the 5 stages described
above according to Chacón et al. (2007). These stages
corresponded roughly with those of Crastz (1982) as
follows: Stage I: Stages 110 (appearance of eye con-
sidered Stage II); Stage II: Stages 1120 (appearance of
pigmentation considered Stage III); Stage III: Stages
2128 (onset of vitelline sac reabsorption considered
Stage IV); Stage IV: up to hatching.
Mean incubation temperatures were significantly
lower in nests with development compared to nests
without development, i.e. 34.97 (CI
and 37.08°C (CI
36.5937.58°C), respectively (t =
6.27, p 0.0001). The highest developmental stage
reached within a nest was inversely related to mean in-
cubation temperature (regression analysis: r
= 0.706,
p 0.0001, Fig. 7). The highest developmental stage
reached was also inversely proportional to the total
number of days with incubation temperatures >35°C
(regression analysis: r
= 0.804, p 0.0001; Table 1).
Mean incubation temperatures were also signifi-
cantly lower within the 5 nests with hatchlings
(33.84°C, CI
33.2434.44°C; Stage 5) compared to
nests without (36.20°C, CI
35.7336.67°C; Stages
04; t = 3.98, p 0.0003). The rate of 14.81% hatching
success was low within nests with hatchlings (Table 1).
The nest with the highest percent emergence of
34.29% (n = 36 hatchlings from 105 eggs) had the
lowest mean incubation temperature.
Embryo development and hatching success in
density plots
A total of 8697 eggs were exhumed from 29 × 1 m
plots. Clutch density was too high to tell individual
nests apart, which is similar to what was found previ-
ously (Cornelius et al. 1991). For this reason we
counted all eggs within each plot. Thus, 4183 eggs
from 8 plots from the October arribada yielded a den-
sity of 522.88 eggs m
, and 4514 eggs from 21 plots
Incubation day
0 10203040 10 203040
Mean incubation temperature (°C)
November nests (n = 19)
November controls (n = 6)
January nests (n = 4)
January controls (n = 6)
Fig. 6. Mean (±SE) incubation temperatures of nests and controls from (A) November and (B) January. See Fig. 4 for definitions
Mean incubation temperature (°C)
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Highest developmental stage reached
Fig. 7. Last developmental stage reached per nest in relation
to mean incubation temperature. Solid line: linear trend.
Vertical dashed line: field lethal temperature of 35°C. Stage 0:
no embryonic development reached; Stage I: 125% egg vol-
ume occupied by developing embryo; Stage II: 2650%;
Stage III: 5175%, Stage IV: 76100%; Stage V: hatchlings
Valverde et al.: Lethal incubation temperature of ridley sea turtle embryos
from the November arribada yielded a density of
214.95 eggs m
. Taking the average clutch size as 100
eggs (CI
94.55105.45; n = 41 nests with data log-
gers), the nest densities for October and November
plots were 5.23 and 2.15 clutches m
, respectively.
There was no embryo development in most nests
(92.83 and 88.99% of eggs lacked any visible develop-
ment in October and November, respectively). Within
nests that had embryonic development, a significantly
greater percentage of developing eggs from Novem-
ber nests resulted in hatchlings (97.79% or 486 hatch-
lings; t = 2.1161, p = 0.375) compared to those from
October nests (21.67% or 65 hatchlings). Likewise, the
hatching success rate for November nests was signifi-
cantly higher (10.77%, CI
7.1730.32; t = 2.8196,
p = 0.006) than for October nests (1.55%, CI
0.944.53). Mean hatching rate for both months com-
bined was 6.34%.
Most studies of incubation temperature, sea turtle
embryo development and TSD are concerned with the
potential feminization of sea turtle populations in the
face of global warming temperatures. The reason for
this is that elevated temperatures tend to promote
skewed sex ratios toward a female bias (Wibbels 2003,
2007), which may curtail the reproductive potential of
a population by decreasing the number of male turtles
(Fuentes et al. 2010). However, our data indicate that
an issue of greater concern at Ostional Beach is that
incubation temperatures measured in the dry season
are not only on the high end of the TRT, above PT, but
are near the upper limit of the TTR and surpass lethal
temperatures, leading to developmental arrest and to
the death of olive ridley embryos. Indeed, our data are
consistent with a field lethal incubation temperature of
~35°C when most nests yielded embryos with little or
no appreciable development. This effect of tempera-
ture was most conspicuous in January nests when
development was negligible and no hatchlings were
produced. This field lethal incubation temperature is
consistent with the lethal temperature determined
under laboratory conditions for sea turtle embryos
when eggs are incubated at a constant temperature
(Ackerman 1997). Because our study focused only on a
part of the year when incubation temperatures were
significantly elevated, we cannot conclude that the his-
torically low hatching rates documented at Ostional
are due to lethal incubation temperatures. However,
our study supports the claims of the Ostional commu-
nity that during the dry season hatchling production is
nearly zero (Cornelius et al. 1991). Our study provides
empirical evidence that this lack of hatchling produc-
tion during the dry months is due to the lethal effect of
Although both humidity and temperature constitute
powerful regulators of embryonic development (Miller
1985), we believe that temperature plays a more signif-
icant role in this study. The reason is that lethal tem-
peratures from laboratory studies are derived from
clutches incubated in hydric environments that pro-
mote optimal embryo development (e.g. McCoy et al.
1983, Wibbels et al. 1998). Under these conditions,
high embryo mortality is observed when constant incu-
bation temperatures extend beyond TTR (Yntema &
Mrosovsky 1980, Ackerman 1997).
Interestingly, incubation temperature seems to
exhibit a tonic effect on embryo mortality and develop-
ment on the high end of the TTR given that it is the
time spent at high temperatures and above 35°C that
determines embryo arrest and death and not the mere
fact of reaching this temperature. This indicates that
embryos have physiological mechanisms that allow
them to withstand exceedingly high temperatures, and
that these mechanisms will fail if temperatures do not
decrease below the lethal limit. Presumably, cooling
periods (e.g. rain) may rescue embryos at risk of over-
heating. This observation supports the idea of develop-
ing artificial ways to cool down incubating nests dur-
ing the dry months by providing them with irrigation
or shading (Cornelius et al. 1991) to increase hatchling
production during those months, if desirable.
Month Mean Nests with hatchlings Clutch Hatching
(°C) D 1st D 2nd D 3rd D Hatchlings size success (%)
October 34.17 10 33.76 0 33.94 2 34.81 8 19 100 19.00
November 33.71 15 30.60 0 33.41 0 37.13 15 3 81 3.70
November 33.85 16 31.44 0 34.06 1 36.05 15 5 94 5.32
November 33.12 7 30.86 0 33.46 0 35.02 7 36 105 34.29
December 34.37 17 33.32 0 34.19 2 35.61 15 10 85 11.76
Average 33.84 13 32.00 0 33.81 1 35.72 12 14.6 93.00 14.81
Table 1. Mean incubation temperatures per month (T
) and per trimester (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number of hatchlings, clutch size,
and percent hatching success of the 5 nests that yielded emerging hatchlings. D = number of days for which mean incubation
temperature >35°C for successful nests
Endang Species Res 12: 7786, 2010
Olive ridleys, like other sea turtle species, are known
to nest year round in Costa Rica. Indeed, small arrib-
adas and solitary nesting have been documented for
the olive ridley on the Pacific coast every month of the
year, with the larger arribadas occurring between
August and November (Hughes & Richard 1974, Cor-
nelius 1986). Although far less abundant, other turtle
species such as greens and leatherbacks also exhibit
year round nesting, with a discrete peak reproductive
window including the months between October and
March (Cornelius 1986, Reina et al. 2002). These
months coincide with some of the hottest, driest
months of the year. This presumes a similar scenario
for these species as in our study with the consequent
detrimental impact on embryo development. However,
both leatherbacks and greens exhibit strategies that
allow them to nest during the most thermally challeng-
ing months of the year. For instance, although
leatherbacks prefer to nest in the open beach, they do
so at a greater depth than ridleys (Binckley et al. 1998),
whereas greens prefer to nest in the vegetation where
temperatures are lower (Cornelius 1976, 1986), thus
escaping the detrimental effect of the high tempera-
tures. In contrast, ridleys prefer to nest in the open
beach (Hinestroza & Páez 2001) and the top of their
nests is at an average 22 cm from the surface (Vega &
Robles 2005), which makes their nests more suscepti-
ble to the high temperatures of the dry season. As
such, the high embryo mortality of ridley embryos dur-
ing the dry months explains the selection pressure of
this species to time the bulk of their reproductive effort
to coincide with the rainy season when lower incuba-
tion temperatures are more favorable for development.
Rainfall was virtually absent during our study with
only 2 brief periods of significant rain, both recorded in
early and late November. We observed a decrease in in-
cubation temperature associated with these periods of
rain. This cooling effect of rain has been recognized in
many studies (Leslie et al. 1966, Godfrey et al. 1996,
Binckley et al. 1998, Matsuzawa et al. 2002, Houghton et
al. 2007). Thus, the lack of rainfall likely led to the ex-
ceedingly high incubation temperatures recorded dur-
ing the study period, which reached their zenith during
January and February when nests incubated at mean
temperatures >36°C and embryo development was cur-
tailed. This situation was expected to continue
throughout the rest of the dry season. Would hatching
rates recover to match those of solitary nesting rates of
59% and higher for olive ridley nests (Francia 2004,
Lopez-Castro et al. 2004) during the next rainy season
when incubation temperatures were expected to de-
crease? We believe that this is unlikely. Although our
data supports a preponderant effect of temperature dri-
ving embryo mortality at Ostional, hatching rates at
Costa Rican arribada beaches have been historically low
(Cornelius et al. 1991, Valverde et al. 1998, Fonseca et al.
2009), even during the rainy months. Factors such as
density-dependent effects and high microorganism load
due to decomposing organic matter and associated oxy-
gen depletion in the nest (Valverde et al. 1998, Clusella-
Trullas & Paladino 2007, Honarvar et al. 2008, Fonseca et
al. 2009) are thought to be involved in the embryonic
death in Costa Rican arribada beaches during the rainy
months. Thus, our study highlights the importance of
continuing research focusing on the mechanisms that
drive embryo mortality under various rainfall, tempera-
ture and nest density conditions and over seasons to
verify whether our results are typical of these beaches.
The large differences between cooler controls and
warmer study nests in the present study indicate that
metabolic heating occurred during the incubation peri-
ods for nests laid in November and January. November
arribada nests exhibited metabolic heating that was
primarily of embryological origin. Embryonic meta-
bolic heating occurs during the second half of embryo
development, especially during the last trimester
(Maxwell et al. 1988, Maloney et al. 1990, Godfrey et
al. 1997, Broderick et al. 2001). Thus, temperature dif-
ferences between controls and nests increase with the
progression of the incubation period, as observed in
December when November nests incubated. However,
in the case of January, nests embryo development was
minimal while incubation temperatures were higher in
nests than in controls. Adult and larval insects, fungi,
and microorganisms have been associated with dead
turtle eggs and dead hatchlings at Ostional (Madden et
al. 2008), and large quantities of these organisms may
contribute to metabolic heating. Thus, we feel that the
difference in temperatures between nests and controls
in January and February is most likely due to micro-
bial, or decomposer, metabolic heating.
Lastly, our exhumation plots yielded additional em-
pirical embryo development data and support our find-
ings of low development and hatching rates from
marked nests. The higher hatching rates in exhumation
plots from November could be attributable to a lower
nest density than October nests as it has been reported
that density-dependent effects may impair embryo de-
velopment (Honarvar et al. 2008). Thus, it is tempting to
suggest that, under in situ conditions at Ostional, den-
sity-dependent effects that limit embryo development
manifest at nest densities >2 nests m
, though this can-
not be determined from our study due to the overriding
effect of the high incubation temperatures.
Our results are consistent with a field lethal incuba-
tion temperature of 35°C for olive ridley embryos. Our
Valverde et al.: Lethal incubation temperature of ridley sea turtle embryos
data suggest that at Ostional, high incubation temper-
ature is the primary factor limiting embryo develop-
ment during the dry season. Our results indicate that
nests laid during arribadas are vulnerable to short term
weather fluctuations, especially droughts. Without the
rain’s cooling effect, metabolic heating within densely
spaced nests from arribadas may push the already high
incubation temperatures towards and beyond the
upper limit of the TTR, thus disrupting or terminating
embryo development or producing single sex clutches.
The findings of this study provide a glimpse of the
effects of the expected global warming temperatures
on sea turtle populations around the world. It has been
forecasted that global temperatures may increase by
up to 3.5°C or more by the year 2100 (IPCC 2007).
According to our data, not only is feminization of sea
turtle populations possible, but the increase in embryo
mortality due to lethal field temperatures may be a
reality for some populations. Ostional Beach, and per-
haps other arribada beaches in the Eastern Pacific,
seem particularly poised to suffer the detrimental
effects of global warming. Finally, it is important to
emphasize that this study was conducted during the
dry season, a time characterized by high temperatures,
low precipitation and lower nesting relative to the
peak nesting months. Extension of this work to the
rainy months is essential to obtain an improved under-
standing of the mechanisms leading to the high
embryo mortality at arribada beaches.
Acknowledgements. We thank L. S. Brenes (Administrator of
the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge), the Tempisque Con-
servation Area, and the Costa Rican Ministry of the Environ-
ment and Energy for their support and for providing the per-
mits to conduct this research. We also thank the people of
Ostional for their assistance and support during the field
work. L. G. Fonseca and 3 anonymous reviewers offered valu-
able criticism to this manuscript. D. Solís kindly generated
Fig. 1. Finally, we thank the many volunteers who assisted
with data collection. This research was funded by the Marine
Turtle Conservation Program of the USFWS (98210-8-G515).
This study was conducted under Southeastern’s IACUC per-
mit #004.
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Editorial responsibility: Matthew Godfrey,
Beaufort, North Carolina, USA
Submitted: January 18, 2010; Accepted: June 4, 2010
Proofs received from author(s): June 28, 2010