Implemented 7-30-08
Ver. 1
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Southeastern Louisiana University
Animal User Health and Safety Agreement
Students, faculty, or employees working with live vertebrate animals for research or teaching are required to
read and sign this agreement before participating in activities involving physical contact with live vertebrate
animals or work in any of Southeastern’s animal housing facilities or laboratories in which animals are used.
This form is intended to inform you that there are adverse health risks associated with working with animals,
particularly for pregnant women and individuals with allergies and respiratory conditions.
Also included are instructions for how to respond to and report an injury acquired while working with animals.
1. Caution: Some infectious diseases, including zoonoses (pathogens acquired from animals), are known to
affect the fetus adversely. If you or someone in your household is pregnant or planning to become
pregnant soon, please discuss your risk level with your personal healthcare provider. You may wish to
review the Center for Disease Control website
prior to working with animals.
2. It is your responsibility to obtain a Tetanus vaccination at least every 10 years, and possibly more if
you are cut, bit, or scratched by animals.
3. Bloodborne pathogen training and Hepatitis B immunization are OSHA requirements for those who work
with human blood or other potentially infectious material (blood products, body fluid tissues, human cell
lines). It is your responsibility to obtain this vaccine if you work with human blood, blood products, tissues,
or cell lines
4. Injured individuals must notify the University Police and report injuries (cuts, bites, scratches) or
illnesses (for example, worsening animal-related allergies) by filling out an Animal Injury Report Form,
which is available in animal holding room sink drawers or may be obtained in the Department of Biological
Sciences Office or the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies Office. Please submit forms to the Dean
of Research and Graduate Studies Office.
5. Protection from animal allergens can be attained with proper use of an N-95 respirator. The Office of
Research and Graduate Studies will have a limited supply of these respirators available for individuals who
require them. Otherwise it is the responsibility of the individual animal user to provide himself/herself proper
6. Individuals with a history of allergies, asthma, pneumonia, active tuberculosis, recurrent bronchitis, chronic
cough, chronic sneezing/runny nose, chronic itchy, irritated eyes, wheezing/shortness of breath, allergy-
related skin rash, or any other health problems that might preclude working with animals is advised to seek
counseling with their medical provider.
I have read and understand the health and safety warnings above regarding animal exposure, and I agree to consult with my
health care provider regarding my particular health concerns associated with working with animals. I agree to report any
injuries involving animal work to the University Police.
Animal User
Print Name Signature Date
Department Head
Print Name Signature Date