Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Group Enrollment Application
Please print in blue or black ink or type.
Please Check One:
Non Participating Enrollment Request
Participating Contract Request
Group Name: Specialty:
Tax Id (IRS#): National Provider Identifier (NPI):
*(Attach W9) Type II (Billing NPI)
Taxonomy Code/Description: Medicare Provider#:
(Required for Blue Medicare)
CLIA# (if applicable):
(REQUIRED:Please attach most recent copy)
Office Location Information: (Service location) Please list additional service locations on Page 2
Street Suite, Apt, Unit, Floor, etc
City State Zip
Appointment/Patient Phone Number Fax Number
Practice Email Address:
Billing Address
City State
Have you ever had a BCBSNC provider number (PPN)? Yes No If yes, please list the number(s)
Indicate the place(s) of service where services will be rendered:
4. Home Health/Skilled Nursing Facility
Does your location have high-tech imaging equipment (PET, MRI, CT, Nuclear Medicine or Echocardiography? Yes No
List individual providers below:
Provider #
National Provider
**Individual Enrollment Applications are required for each provider to obtain an individual BCBSNC PPN.
*In order to ensure compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, we must have you tax identification information to
process your application. When submitting this enrollment application, please be sure to include a completed W9 containing the
billing entity information. Visit our external provider portal WWW.BCBSNC.COM for a copy of the W9 and other instructions for this
Please Note: Enrollment does not establish you or your practice as an in-network BCBSNC provider. Separate processes are
required for credentialing and contracting. Please see the Enrollment Instructions document on the provider portal mentioned
For additional information, please contact our Network Management Provider Services line at 1-800-777-1643 and select option 6.
Signature of Authorized Practice Representative:
Date: Contact Phone #:
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