1. Generally administering, servicing and maintaining your investment account(s).
2. Communicating with you and your financial adviser/broker.
3. Providing your PI to any entity within the NUTM group of companies, with which you already have an existing relationship, or with which you are about to
enter into a relationship, for the efficient servicing/administration of your investments.
4. Providing your PI to third parties (which may include consumer credit bureaus and other similar service providers) which assist with the verification of your
information or assist in establishing and/or obtaining additional information as may be needed by NUTM to meet its regulatory obligations such as, but not
limited to its regulatory obligations under the Financial Intelligence Act, 2012 (Act No. 13 of 2012) or as amended; or assist with the enforcement of
agreements; or which store and/or maintain the PI; or which require the information to process your instructions or to otherwise provide a service to you for
your investment, where such party has procedures in place to protect your PI.
5. Transferring your PI outside the borders of Namibia where the person receiving the PI is subject to and complies with similar data protection laws.
6. Providing your information to local and/or international regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies and governmental departments, and any other
person that NUTM is required, by law, to share your PI with.
7. Conducting research or servicing products. Where appropriate, your PI will be de-identified such that it cannot be linked back to you personally.
8. Meeting contractual/legal and/or regulatory obligations.
NUTM will ensure that controls are in place to protect your PI and will process your PI as permitted by law. If you feel we have not done so, you are entitled to
contact us and object.
Your PI will be kept until such time as we are legally compelled to delete/destroy it. You have the right to request a copy of the PI that we hold and a right to
request the correction thereof. It is your responsibility to inform NUTM of any changes to your PI.
Where you are acting in a representative capacity on behalf of an investor, all acknowledgements, agreements and consents contained herein are given by you on
behalf of the investor and you warrant your authority to act in such a representative capacity.
Capital Risk
Unit prices will fluctuate relative to the market value of securities comprising the funds’ portfolios and increase or decrease accordingly. Should any guarantee be
furnished against price fluctuations this shall be by a party other than the manager with details and costs clearly defined.
Units will be repurchased by the administrator at the net asset value calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Unit Trust Control Act and the relevant
Trust Deeds and paid to the unit holder within 2 business days of the written request, unless the disinvestment exceeds 5% of the total fund value in which case
the provisions of the Deed dealing with payment in respect of repurchases will apply. If the units to be repurchased are subject to a pledge, written consent is
necessary for the transaction. Redemption from the NAM Coronation Optimum Fund may take 2-5 business days of the written request to be paid to the unit
holder account due to the trading cycle of the fund. Repurchase instructions which include a change in your banking details must be accompanied by a copy of a
recent bank confirmation letter or bank statement less than 3 months old.
Investor Communication
A transaction advice will be sent to you once your investment has been processed. Statements will be issued on a quarterly basis. Our client service consultants are
available during business hours on 061 275 700 (Monday to Friday from 08h00 to 17h00).
Pricing and cut-off times
Forward pricing occurs at 15h00 each business day and at 17h00 on the last business day of each month. Units will be purchased at the ruling net asset value price
on the date of your deposit by NUTM. Completed application forms and notification of deposits must be received before 12h00 and 10h00 for Money Market
instructions. Cut-off time also applies to redemptions and switches (unless the amount being disinvested exceeds 5% of the total fund value). All purchases, except
for debit orders (30 days clearance period), are subject to a 14 day clearance period in respect of subsequent redemptions. Distributions on purchases within the 30
day clearance period will be automatically reinvested.
Processing of Personal Information
You acknowledge that NUTM requires your Personal Information (“PI”), in order to perform its obligations fairly, competently, and in accordance with the law. You
acknowledge that failure to provide complete and accurate PI to NUTM may lead to NUTM not being able to accept any investment placed with us or the
suspension, closure or inability to transact or make further contributions to your investment account. You consent (and, if applicable, such consent applies to any
person or entity that you are duly authorised to act on behalf of or in a representative capacity) to NUTM collecting, using, processing, storing, disclosing and
verifying (collectively “process” or “processing”) your PI for the purposes of,
inter alia