Faculty Recommendation Form
Tutoring Services at Saint Paul College
Tutoring Services - Room 3125 - 651.403.4366 - tutoring@saintpaul.edu
Applicant: Please list your name, the semester/term and year you would be available to begin
tutoring and the course(s) that you wish to tutor
. Submit this form to either a current instructor or
to a faculty member in the same department who is best able to judge your academic and
interpersonal skills.
Name (First & Last)
Student ID Number (e.g. 12345678)
Please list the subject(s) you feel you are
qualified to and would like to tutor
Faculty Member: The student presenting this form to you is applying to become a peer tutor at
Saint Paul College. Please share your honest opinion regarding the student's abilities; your
responses will not be shared with the applicant.
This form may be submitted to Tutoring Services in any of the following formats:
• via your Saint Paul College email address to tutoring@saintpaul.edu
• via mail to Saint Paul College, 235 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102
• by hand to the Tutoring Center, Room 3125
Faculty Name
Faculty E-mail Address
Course(s) student has taken with you
If you need disability related accommodations to make this document accessible, please contact the Director of
Access & Disability Resources at 651.846.1547 or AccessResources@saintpaul.edu.
Saint Paul College is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator and a member of Minnesota State.