PSEO Book Contract
235 Marshall Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102
This form must be read, completed, and signed by the PSEO student before books can be
obtained from the Saint Paul College Bookstore.
All required textbooks and required, consumable equipment/materials are provided to PSEO
students by the PSEO program, free of charge. When the semester ends, all of those books and
equipment must be returned to the Saint Paul College Bookstore in good condition.
If books and equipment are not returned to the Bookstore in good condition by the deadline,
which is the last day of the semester, the student will be billed for the cost of the books and
equipment, and a hold will be placed on the student’s record until the bill is paid in full. This bill
will not be paid by the PSEO program.
Non-consumable equipment/materials that are not used up or depleted such as a camera, uniform,
stethoscope, etc., are not covered by the PSEO program. PSEO students are responsible for paying
for those items out of pocket, and may keep them after the end of the semester.
This document is available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by contacting the
Director of Access & Disability Resources at 651.846.1547 or
Saint Paul College is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator and a member of the
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
I, _______________________________________________________, have read the above PSEO Book
Contract and agree to the terms of the policy.
I understand that the PSEO textbooks and equipment lent to me must be returned to the Saint Paul
College Bookstore in good condition by the last day of the semester.
Student / Tech ID#: ___________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Please print full name
I am a:
New Saint Paul College PSEO Student Returning Saint Paul College PSEO Student