Achiever Information:
Name: Student ID#:
Local Address:
Local/Campus Phone: Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Classification: Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior
G.P.A: ________ Hours Currently Enrolled: ___________ Total Credits Earned: ______
Major/ Minor:
Anticipated Graduation Month and Year: GPA:
Personal Data
1. What do you hope to gain by participating in the TRiO Peer Mentoring Program?
2. Describe some challenges you have faced during your time here at BSU?
3. What are your short term, and long term, personal and academic goals?
4. Please share interests and personality traits that will help us match you with a mentor.
Mentee Services (Select all that apply)
Which of the following student services are you most interested in?
Academic Program Planning
Career Planning
Stress Management
Time Management
Financial Aid Education
Learning Style and Resources
Study Skills