Bowie State University
Office of Human Resources
Request for overtime/compensatory time Date:
(Non-exempt Only)
All requests must be approved in advance.
For pay period: Begin date End date
Employee Name: Employee ID #:
Department: User Dept. Budget Code: - -1630
Num. Hrs.
Rate Cost
Approvals Signatures Dates
Department Supervisor
User Dept. Budget Officer
User Area Vice President
Authorization to work overtime or to earn compensatory time must be approved prior to
performance of the duties. The only exception to this would be overtime worked on an
emergency basis. Emergency overtime must be justified by the Supervisor.
After this form is approved or rejected, return it to the departmental Supervisor.
If this form is for overtime, it must also include the cost of the overtime and be approved by the
departmental Budget Officer. The form must be attached to the Payroll Department’s copy of the
timesheet for the applicable pay period.
If this form is for compensatory time, it must be attached to the Human Resources Department’s
copy of the timesheet for the applicable pay period.
Please contact the Office of Human Resources at 860-3450 if there are any questions.