Organization Name:
Calendar of Events Form
Please provide a list of proposed events that your organization would like to facilitate this academic year.
Event Name
Provide month and
day of week
Provide event
start time
Provide a rational for the program and what participants will get
out of attending (e.g. participants will learn / participants will
become familiar with / participants will gain an understanding of…
Before 5pm
After 5pm
Before 5pm
After 5pm
Before 5pm
After 5pm
Before 5pm
After 5pm
Before 5pm
After 5pm
Organizations will not be allowed to facilitate programs during Welcome Back Week, Homecoming Week, and Exam Weeks
(midterms and finals).
If events on this calendar change, please email an updated calendar of events to the Office of Student Life. Space requests will
be approved based upon the above listed events. Changes that are not sent to the Office of Student Life will prolong your
approval for space.
______________________________________ _______________________
Advisor Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit