Complete Transcript Request Form and submit in person to Admissions & Records on any campus or mail with payment to
Montgomery College, Germantown Campus Cashier, 20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876. If submitted by mail,
a check or money order, made payable to Montgomery College, must be included. There is a $7.00 fee for each transcript
copy (credit or non-credit). Transcripts contain Social Security Numbers. Transcripts will not be processed for students with
financial holds.
Please allow 5 business days for processing; approximately 7 business days during peak request periods. To check the status
of your request, log into MyMC, click on Request MC Transcript, then View Status of Transcript Request. Transcripts
submitted in person may be processed immediately (Photo ID required). Please note: The University System of Maryland
requests that transcripts are sent directly from Montgomery College.
Date Fee Paid ________________
Transcript Request Form
ES 07/26/16
Student Full Name
Student ID M-
Evening Phone
Home Address
Former Name(s) (if any)
Birth Date
Day Phone
SSN (voluntary, but useful if M-number unknown)
Anticipated Graduation Date
Student Signature Date
Date Sent __________________OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Paid $_______________
Name of Institution
Address (Continued)
City State
*Montgomery College is the custodian of academic records for the Maryland College of Art and Design [MCAD], which became
the School of Art and Design of Montgomery College on September 1, 2004. If you attended MCAD prior to September 1, 2004,
submit your transcript request using this form only (no online requests) and follow the above instructions.
Number of Transcripts Requested
*If being mailed, provide complete information where transcript(s) are to be sent; type or clearly print.
Are you requesting a transcript from Maryland College of Art & Design*?
Are you requesting a transcript for the UMUC Alliance program?
Have you taken Workforce Development & Continuing Education [WD&CE] non-credit courses at MC?
Yes No
If yes, is this request for your WD&CE transcript?
Hold until grades are posted?
Fall Winter Spring Summer I
Hold for pending graduation?
Special Instructions (Indicate if attachment is included):
Transcript Issued by _________ (Initials)
__________Credit ($7.00 each) __________WD&CE/non-credit ($7.00 each)
Summer II
Please mail transcript(s) to address indicated below* OR
Student hand-carrying transcript to institution