Revised February, 2012
(1) A description of the physical layout and a facility diagram, including all
surrounding surface waters and wellhead protection areas;
(2) Contact list and phone numbers for facility response coordinator , cleanup
contractor, and all appropriate federal, state, local agencies who must be contacted
in case of release into the environment;
(3) A list of all the regulated substances in use and locations of use and storage. This
list shall be updated annually and submitted to the parties indicated above.
(4) A prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of regulated
substance that could be released where experience indicates a potential for
equipment failure;
(5) A description of containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to
prevent regulated substances from infiltrating the ground.
A. For any use that will render impervious more than 15% or more than 2,500 square
feet of any lot, whichever is greater, a storm water management plan shall be
prepared in accordance with the Allenstown Permanent (Post-Construction)
Stormwater Management Ordinance.
B. Conditional uses, as defined under Section X shall develop a stormwater
management plan prepared in accordance with the Allenstown Permanent (Post-
Construction) Stormwater Management Ordinance and a pollution prevention plan
including information consistent with Developing Your Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan: A Guide for Industrial Operators (USEPA, Feb 2009). The plan shall
demonstrate that the use will:
1) Meet minimum stormwater discharge setbacks between water supply wells and
constructed stormwater practices as found within the Innovative Land Use
Planning Techniques: A Handbook for Sustainable Development, Section 2.1
Permanent (Post-construction) Stormwater Management, (DES, 2008 or later
2) Minimize, through a source control plan that identifies pollution prevention
measures, the release of regulated substances into stormwater;
3) Stipulate that expansion or redevelopment activities shall require an amended
stormwater plan and may not infiltrate stormwater through areas containing
contaminated soils without completing a Phase 1 Assessment in conformance
with ASTM E 1527-05, also referred to as All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI);
4) Maintain a minimum of four feet vertical separation between the bottom of a
stormwater practice that infiltrates or filters stormwater and the average seasonal