MAP:_________ LOT:__________ Application # :_________
Fee Received : ($40.00) Sketch Attached:_________
Application is hereby made by _____________________________________________whose address is
________________________________________________________Phone No.___________________
Email Address____________________________________________ for property owner ____________
____________________________ to construct an entrance(s) to and on the _______________ side of
______________________ Street (or highway) in the TOWN OF ALLENSTOWN at a point _______ feet
from (road/street, stream, property line, etc.) __________________________________. It is proposed to
use the entrance(s) for access to (business, residence, etc.) __________________________.
Upon approval of the location of the entrance(s), it is agreed that:
1. Any entrance(s) constructed is/are for the bona fide purpose of securing access to said property and
that the highway right-of-way shall not be used for any other purpose than travel.
2. The grade of entrance(s) is to be such as will permit a safe and controlled entrance to the highway at
all seasons and so designed that any water from the entrance will discharge into the highway gutter
or drainage system.
3. Such drainage structures as are necessary to maintain existing highway drainage are to be furnished
by the applicant, and are to be of design approved by the TOWN OF ALLENSTOWN. The applicant
agrees to maintain or replace any structure as necessary when its condition requires such action to
protect the highway or drainage system.
4. No entrance(s) or drainage installation constructed on the right-of-way as an exercise of this permit
shall be relocated or its dimension altered without written permission of the TOWN OF
5. Said entrance(s) shall be constructed in accordance with the TOWN OF ALLENSTOWN standard
drawings of entrances which are attached and become a part of this permit, if any.
6. Applicant must attach to this application a sketch of the lot showing the layout of the proposed
driveway and location of building, if applicable.
7. Such exceptions or additional provisions as many be deemed necessary by the TOWN OF
ALLENSTOWN, as indicated on the second page of this application, are acceptable.
8. It is agreed that the landowner will hold harmless the TOWN OF ALLENSTOWN and its duly
appointed agents and employees against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained
by reason of the exercise of the permit.
Date :____________________ ,20_______ Signed:_____________________________
Applicant: Signed:_____________________________
Property owner: (Property Owner)
Building Inspector:_________
Highway Department:________
Revised 7/2014
Town of Allenstown
Highway Department
161 Granite St.
Allenstown, NH 03275
603-485-4276 ext. 151