Time Conict Resolution
Completed forms must be given to the Division Dean for review. If approved, students must
submit form in-person to the Enrollment Services Oce to enroll in the course.
MJC Enrollment Services • Phone (209)575-6853
EAST 435 College Avenue, Student Services Blgd. 1st Floor • WEST 2201 Blue Gum Avenue, Yosemite Hall 1st Floor
California Title V Regulations, Section 55007 states that a college district may not permit a student to enroll
in two or more courses where the meeting times for the courses overlap, unless:
• The student provides sound justication, other than scheduling convenience, for the overlap;
• An appropriate district ocial approves the schedule; and
• The college maintains documentation describing the justication, showing that the student made
up the
hours of overlap in the course partially or wholly not attended as scheduled at some other time
during the same week under the supervision of the instructor of the course.
1. Faculty and sta who are contacted by students regarding any time conicts will direct students to the
appropriate Division Dean to discuss their justication for a time conict and to obtain a Time Conict
Resolution Form.
2. If justication is approved, Division Dean will give the student a Time Conict Resolution Form to take to
the instructor of the class where instructional time will be missed.
3. The instructor must describe how the student will make up the minutes/hours missed. The missed time
must be made up during the same week under the supervision of the instructor of the course.
4. The instructor will maintain a weekly record to document how the student made up the missing
instructional time. Each division will develop a procedure of how this weekly documentation will be
5. After the student and instructor complete the form, the student will return the form directly to the
Division Dean for review. If approved, the student will take the form to the Enrollment Services Oce
to enroll in the course. The form must be submitted with the Course Registration Form at the time of
6. District auditors may request Division Deans to provide time conict documentation at the end of each