MJC Enrollment Services Phone (209)575-6853
EAST 435 College Avenue, Student Services Bldg. 1st Floor WEST 2201 Blue Gum Ave, Yosemite Hall 1st Floor
Application for Course Audit
California Educational Code, Section 76370 states the governing board of a community college district may
authorize a person to audit a community college course and may charge that person a fee pursuant to this
•If a fee for auditing is charged, it shall not exceed fteen dollars ($15) per unit, per semester. The
governing board shall proportionately adjust the amount of fee for term lengths based upon a quarter
system or other alternative system approved pursuant to regulations of the board of governors, and
shall also proportionately adjust the amount of the fee for summer sessions, intersession, and other
short-term courses. In making these adjustments, the governing board may round the per unit fee and
the per term or per session fee to the nearest dollar.
•Students enrolled in classes to receive credit for 10 or more semester credit units shall not be charged
a fee to audit three or fewer semester units per semester.
•Students auditing a course must meet the repetition limit for credit courses.
•No student auditing a course shall be permitted to change his or her enrollment in that course to
receive credit for the course.
•Priority in a class enrollment shall be given to students desiring to take the course for credit towards a
degree or certicate.
•Classroom attendance or students auditing a course shall not be included in computing the
apportionment due to a community college district.
1. Student requests and completes the STUDENT portion of the form. Enrollment Services completes the eligibility section of
the form. Students must wait until the rst day of classes to process an Application for Course Audit.
2. Student takes the form to the appropriate instructor to complete the INSTRUCTOR portion of the form. Requires Instructor’s
3. Student takes and leaves the course audit form at the Division Oce to request the set-up of an audit section. If the audit
section has been approved, the Division Oce will create an audit course and the Dean will sign their approval. Requires
Dean’s signature.
4. Student takes the completed form with the appropriate signatures to the Business Services Oce for payment. Please
note: there may be additional fees once student is enrolled in the class. Students enrolled in ten or more units at the time
enrollment occurs will not be assessed the $15 per unit fee up to 3 units. Audit students may not attend class until fees have
been processed. The California Community College Promise Grant cannot be applied to Course Audit classes.
5. Student then takes the completed form to the Enrollment Services Oce for nal processing.
6. Student acknowledges that there will be no records kept with MJC of their attendance in courses they audit. Students who
audit classes will not receive units or grades for the class(es) they audit.
7. Student agrees to indemnify and hold the Yosemite Community College District harmless from all losses, claims, actions,
damages or liabilities associated with auditing classes.